Jul 17, 2006 23:10
Just a quick post cause my battery is dying and the AC adaptor for my computer is broken. so very annoying...tomorrow i have to find a computer store to try to buy a new one.
I had the best weekend at Ali's beach house. It was me, her, Sarah, Joe and Johnny. We watched obscene amounts of Animal Planet, and drank a tad too much alcohol. It finally felt like I was back home again, like it kinda fit. Im looking foward to being at Georgetown....just a little over 5 weeks.
I got the cutest email from my host brother Matthieu today...or as he likes to call himself "my watcher" He bought the Buffy Monster Guide and has been reading up on all the different types of monsters in the Buffy-verse. He also has finished writing the 8th season..and has started on the 9th. Here is an except he sent me...
extrait du premier épisode de la 9eme saison:
Trop d'énergie magique s'échappe de la maison de Teana ... Willow, tu peux faire quelque chose ? Utiliser cette énergie avec des gros sortilèges pour qu'elle s'épuise vite ? Quoi ? Tu veux ... sortilèges de résurrection ? Non, ne fais pas ça ... WILLOW! NON !
I really do miss him...hes hilarious. For those of you who dont speak french...sorry!! :) i would translate it if i thought my battery would last.
hope everyone is well. later