Dec 17, 2014 04:19
You see me
You know me
you love me through and through
Wow in retrospect. I think I'm a terrible person. Why do I get so defensive when people accuse me? Even if the grounds of accusation are unfounded, why am I holding people to morals that they may not necessarily subscribe to? True enough, these moral laws may be pressing upon us and we may expect the same of other people - but what happens when they renege on these implicit moralities? Am I not to treat them with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15) all the same? Why am I gettting so frustrated, so quick to push the blame, so quick to argue and to deliver (potentially) harsh words which I know may very well stir up more anger?
Am I not secure enough in Christ alone?
Am I not honouring Christ the Lord as holy?
Every time I feel like I fall short of righteousness I just feel like errr ..... screwing it over. These lofty ideals are more often than not, too difficult to keep to. One of the devotions I read a few days back was about being grateful for how Jesus intercedes for us, such as when our faith does not fail utterly. And for that, I guess I will be thankful, I will continue to lift my hands.
When I was younger and I saw how the older youths were struggling with the concept of unmerited favour and us receiving sonships and daughterships of the kingdom, I was puzzled. It's the best gift ever! Looking at the same concept now, I feel tainted, dirty and utterly unworthy. How am I going to be transformed by the Holy Spirit? There is an argument about how asking such questions would be to doubt one's belief in God's omnipotence. But these are fundamental beliefs that I struggle with, up until today.
But because of Jesus, and his thorn scarred brows, his nail scarred hands, his precious blood that spilt for us, his intercession for us, his sacrifice for us, I continue to lift my hands. And so I sing of Your love. May I one day fully accept and acknowledge, being fully secure and satisfied in Your love.
Didn't really think this through so my words aren't very well phrased. Excuse me I'm solly. Maybe when I have time.