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Mar 16, 2009 22:18

 you know i honestly thought i would hate today from the bottom of my guts.

this morning i woke up late on purpose because i had no school today but i had to go to school for meetings lasting from 9am to 9pm. naturally i was already determined to start my day in as foul a mood as possible.
i think someone was trying to show me how wrong i could be though.

i left the house really late.. and the mrt arrived just as i entered. and then i strolled to the bus stop and along came a bus right on time. (fyi almost everytime i needed to chiong to school i would run to the bus stop but all THREE buses would simultaneously come late, all at the same time. i would wait 20mins!)

so ok i got to school earlier than i had intended (though still late). i strolled in lazily... grumbling to myself about my very very heavy backpack...  but oh my, the roads were covered with pink EVERYWHERE!! it was like paradise!! the trees were seriously in the most happy blooming spirit EVER. omg they were all speckled in more pink blossoms than they had green!!! and the grass and the roads were just COVERED in pink flowers!! someone had to come to sweep them into little piles by the road! seriously, tell me how was i supposed to continue feeling cranky from that sight!!! SO SO pretty.

got to meeting late without getting scolded haha then.. had the meeting go by with it getting close to finishing. i have fantastic group mates for that particular group.
then had another meeting for a group after that which i really really dread meeting with all the time. but right before that, from two angels called ___ and _____, i learnt how to use this really dumb software we're supposed to use for the project. so we could actually begin and get some headway! and now i actually can see a pretty nice end to this in the near future!! ahaha before this it was totally unimagineable and the deadline is friday. we're even hoping to finish by wed/thur! whoohoo!!

saw some pesky boys around school.. just the same as it was back in rj and it was quite cute and funny haha.. they were pushing a HUGE CART of some books then in classic fashion, they hit a curb, the cart tumbled and everything was splayed across the wet ground (just like the fedex commercial you know the truck they put too many boxes then it langgar?). hahaha so of course r4m4 and friends drew a whole load of attention to themselves...just like old times. hahaha so dumb. and then i was telling wenyi abt it online when he came up from behind and gave me a HUUUUGE whack on the head. that piece of crap! haha but it was nice talking to him after such a long long while!

then i met h4ny1 for lunch and he told me he was gonna get a car!! sat around talking for a little more and i think that really helped to lift my spirits cos we were talking about nice stuff hahaha...

left for another meeting. this looked really bleak at one point. but by 9pm. lo and behold we were done, with a pretty good show to put up tmr too.

my dad came to fetch me and he was in a really talkative mood today and told me stories about his old friend from england called c4rl w00lfe! 30 years ago c4rl sent him a letter (that time no email) and asked if he could come to singapore and my dad told him no problem come whenever you like! weeks later my dad was at work and he got a call from carl and carl said "hi stephen! i'm here!"
my dad said 'huh? where are you now?"
carl: "you big bloke i'm at changi airport! come get me!"
my dad: "WHAT?!?! oh goodness what are you doing there?? i cant old chap, i'm giving a presentation at work now!"
so after my dad finished his presentation he drove down in his little trusty old car and found carl sitting by the road, chin in his hands, luggage beside, waiting for my dad.
carl: "you bloke! what took you so long!!"
my dad: "i was at work!!"
and then they laughed heartily and gave each other big hugs
and carl got into the car and they bought bus tickets and went to Langkawi to play and explore for the day!

HAHAHAHA SO FREAKING FUN. MY DAD SO HAPPENING. FAITH DOESNT THIS SOUND GOOD?? you can be my friend from england!! come back and lets buy bus tickets to langkawi too!!

hahah so anyway i decided today was TOO GOOD a day not to write about. this is TOTALLY unexpected given the current circumstances with all my projects, undone homework, people missing and all. but GOSH IT WAS TRULY ENJOYABLE. love it! and to the someone who makes the impossible seem like chicken feet, THANK YOU!!! for showing me how wrong i was and giving me such a lovely day today. pink flowers, old school friends and a happening dad hahaha

alright! off to bathe and to finish up my work. =)

friends!, *, wow!, g's g, school, family

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