did LJ increase the number of userpics?

Oct 04, 2006 02:18

I just looked and think I now have 4 or 5 more than a month or so ago. Hmm, perhaps it's something to do with the renewal of my paid account? Anyway, more userpics are a good thing. =)

In other news: very boring (holi)day today. A grey, rainy day, temptation to go outside = zero. (Yesterday, when I went to the city center of Dresden, it was practically bursting with tourists. Poor guys who wanted to do touristy things today...)
There were plans of doing something creative instead, like webdesign stuff or LJ icons, but... well. *ahem*

Just watched "Dawn of the Dead" on TV, which was surprisingly good. The same as with "28 days later" - both not movies I would otherwise have chosen, but having zapped into them (at the beginning) I had to watch till the end. :-)
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