People have been accusing me of voting based on something they consider "irrelevant": her support (and Obama's hostile attitude) towards Constellation. What people don't realize is that if we delay it another five years, as Obama wants to, we're not just going to have ten years of no human spaceflights. We most likely will have twenty, thirty years of no human spaceflights. The shuttles are being retired in two years, and if Constellation is delayed we'll lose it altogether. We need it SOONER, not later.
People say this doesn't matter, which is tragically untrue. At the most selfish level, Constellation being canceled will be a huge blow to my future career. There are better reasons more suited to the general public but I am tired. If you want them comment again and I'll post when I've gotten some rest.
This important distinction, and other pro-NASA views Clinton has, started me looking at her. I knew I couldn't vote republican and Kucinich wouldn't get elected, so it was between Obama and Clinton. The more I read about her political stances and voting records, the more I like her.
So no, I didn't vote for her because she's a woman. That's just as sexist as not voting for someone because she's a woman.
a legitimate reason. thank you for answering my question. i am much more of an Obama person because of his stances involving immigration and social security reform, and Hillary's anti-video game crusade. but i can respect an honest reason. too many people don't have them.
Argh, I had no idea she was pro-NASA. Not enough to sway the vote of the geekiest part of me but... ... Well, Russia IS getting more and more dictatorial these days. Maybe we'll have another Space Race?
I am aware you have a personal reason to want (nay, need) Constellation to fire sooner rather than later. I never stated, nor do I think, that Constellation doesn't matter, but rather that we have so many massive problems on Earth that we need to regroup and refocus our dollars into getting back good relations with other spacefaring countries (particularly Russia, who seem to be turning into the Soviet Union again).
If I had my choice between Obama and Clinton I think I would lean toward Obama. I'm not voting for either, though, when Mass has its crap, I think February 3.
People say this doesn't matter, which is tragically untrue. At the most selfish level, Constellation being canceled will be a huge blow to my future career. There are better reasons more suited to the general public but I am tired. If you want them comment again and I'll post when I've gotten some rest.
This important distinction, and other pro-NASA views Clinton has, started me looking at her. I knew I couldn't vote republican and Kucinich wouldn't get elected, so it was between Obama and Clinton. The more I read about her political stances and voting records, the more I like her.
So no, I didn't vote for her because she's a woman. That's just as sexist as not voting for someone because she's a woman.
i am much more of an Obama person because of his stances involving immigration and social security reform, and Hillary's anti-video game crusade. but i can respect an honest reason. too many people don't have them.
Well, Russia IS getting more and more dictatorial these days. Maybe we'll have another Space Race?
If I had my choice between Obama and Clinton I think I would lean toward Obama. I'm not voting for either, though, when Mass has its crap, I think February 3.
If Clinton gets the Democratic ticket, I'm voting a third party.
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