quick breeze-through of the second day in Memphis

Jun 08, 2007 13:55

On Friday (the day after I got here) I woke up around ten, and got showered and headed down to CERI. They say this was a five-minute walk. They lied. It's closer to ten or fifteen. Straight shot down Central to the other side of campus though (northwest corner to northeast corner) so I'm not complaining. CERI (Center for Earthquake Research and Information) is housed in five separate buildings. Four of them were residences that were bought up by the University of Memphis, and the fifth (the one I work in) looks kind of like the temporary classrooms we had sophomore year in BG except bigger. Here's what CERI looks like on the satellite. The long building horizontal to South Tiger Paw is the one I work in (number 4). The one at its bottom left corner is number 1, and the bottom right corner number 3, where the analog seismometers are located. Number 2, where my boss is, is hidden in the trees in between. Number 0 is to the right of number 3, but I've never been there. If you drag the map westward on Central to its intersection with Patterson, you can see two buildings at right angles to each other south of Central and west of Patterson. Those are Richardson Towers. As I've said before, I'm in the south one, on the top floor, on the east side facing north.

Anyways, I got to CERI and filled out a bunch of paperwork and met Chris's husband. They showed me a few projects that I could work on, and I picked the one that was originally proposed to me, modeling flexure of the crust to see if it was a possible explanation for an area of a low gravity anomaly paired with a high magnetic anomaly. It doesn't involve any field work, but Chris said she'd lend me out to anyone who needs a hand if I was that eager. I ate some leftovers from the Mexican food the previous night, then headed back to my dorm. I packed my backpack and went exploring to find a source of food, since all the on-campus stuff was closed.

Remember that map? Keep following Central until it intersects with South Highland. Head north until you see a parking lot on the west side with a quadrilateral building. That's where Subway and Busters are, the former being a sub chain that I'm sure all of you are familiar with and the latter being a liquor and wine store with an impressive inventory. They even had that Orogeny wine I've been looking for, though I didn't buy. I did get a few of those 50 mL bottles so I could continue trying out different liqueurs (I didn't bring the ones Dad gave me; they're still in Worcester). A little bit north of that and across Poplar Ave there is a huge shopping complex. It has Dollar Tree, which also sells canned food (LIFESAVER!), a Krogers (grocery store chain), and Buffalo Wild Wings, whose burgers and wings are mediocre and overpriced, as is their beer. I got most of the things I needed at the Dollar Tree except some excellent Teddy-style peanut butter with honey that I got from Krogers.

More later.
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