TCG Trade Logs Part 10

Jun 10, 2009 18:27

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- trade: kyrios09 → kyrios04 w/shikumo [4985]
- trade: future04 → normal18 w/xx_lotus_xx [4986]
- trade: otaku18 → dove07 w/tezuka_zone_pot [4987]
- trade: crossover09 → positive19, sms15 w/terza_teabeef [4988]
- trade: left12 → justice01 w/futatsuninja [4989]
- trade: playboy05 → justice12 w/royalbk [4990]
- trade: gay14 → doujin09, justice10 w/farsketched [4991]
- trade: legend09 → justice08, perfect10 w/futatsuninja [4992]
- trade: mafia05 → justice04, perfect13 w/whitelilies22 [4993]
- trade: light09 → servant10 w/futatsuninja [4994]
- trade: howl06 → suit16 w/mobiuswolf [4995]
- trade: gay12 → justice05, perfect14 w/farsketched [4996]
- trade: pokedex99 → revolver15 w/xx_lotus_xx [4997]
- trade: doujin11, relative17, unlucky07, venus15 → dual03, dual10, dual11, nano02 w/corinn [4998-5001]
- trade: nishiura09 → sms12, sms13 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5002]
- trade: cherry18 → thrill05 w/futatsuninja [5003]
- trade: neptune13 → normal19 w/xx_lotus_xx [5004]
- trade: espada06 → cat10, thrill15 w/manaka_baku [5005]
- trade: occult10, windam10 → exsphere18, thrill20 w/mmrobitussin [5006-5007]
- trade: gay15 → despair15, illegal08 w/farsketched [5008]
- trade: prince02, puu20 → camorra08, doujin12 w/nonliquet [5009-5010]
- trade: cheezburgr10, lynx09 → chocomilk w/uri
- trade: loyal09, neptune16, photos07 → blood14, suit12, thrill14 w/kaurin [5011-5013]
- trade: axe05, balinese02 → illegal01, illegal10 w/whitelilies22 [5014-5015]
- trade: chemist20 → hikikomori04 w/ukiyuki [5016]
- trade: jellopy36, neptune05, neptune12 → midori w/alana
- trade: april18, strike10 → cat03, virtue10 w/stuffedpanda [5017-5018]
- trade: dog03 → dual18 w/ukiyuki [5019]
- trade: ballet08, doujin19, neptune20, night08, windam20 → blood17, despair07, despair10, doujin15, illegal07, positive15 w/mmrobitusin [5020-5024]
- trade: puppet08 → cat09 w/lithographic [5025]
- trade: esper04 → doujin08 w/terza_teabeef [5026]
- trade: loyal16, muga11 → nano13, vino04 w/hitomik [5027-5028]
- trade: coach15 → pyro16 w/sumeragi_sei [5029]
- trade: megane04 → positive06 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5030]
- trade: job17 → kyrios15 w/farsketched [5031]
- trade: zero01 → thrill18 w/bottledenigma [5032]
- trade: duck10 → dove19 w/lithographic [5033]
- trade: 10th17, catcher15, celes07, pan12 → despair04, dove08, positive01, vino16 w/fiendie [5034-5037]
- trade: kansai11 → doujin10 w/sumeragi_sei [5038]
- trade: ice01, ice06, grin10 → dual16, dual17, dual20 w/farsketched [5039-5041]
- trade: airhead17 → despair09 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5042]
- trade: protect15 → virtue14 w/futatsuninja [5043]
- trade: right03 → kyrios14 w/taynis [5044]
- trade: idiot12, sms18 → guard13, guard19 w/mmrobitussin [5045-5046]
- trade: despair19 → despair03 w/shikumo [5047]
- trade: wings10 → kyrios12 w/sairaiyle [5048]
- trade: pokedex146 → thrill16 w/royalbk [5049]
- trade: camorra01 → complex04 w/shikumo [5050]
- trade: neptune02, pan29, plum11 → kyrios06, kyrios16, servant05 w/mmrobitussin [5051-5053]
- trade: wizard08 → revolver10 w/taynis [5054]
- trade: abyssinian06 → virtue17 w/futatsuninja [5055]
- trade: chaos12 → police18 w/futasuninja [5056]
- gift: blood05, pyro14, queen07, servant12, west01 from uri
- trade: justice19 → exia19 w/arcangelus [5057]
- trade: blue06, loveless18, loveless20, luck20, money01, trigger01, trigger15 → guard04, guard09, rashiea, revolver09, sight01 w/pyol [5058-5062]
- trade: crossover04 → blood08, guard11 w/terza_teabeef [5063]
- trade: ego13 → thrill06 w/royalbk [5064]
- trade: otaku08 → suit11 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5065]
- trade: pan36, pan50 → albhed17, albhed18 w/fiendie [5066-5067]
- trade: puu07 → dynames06 w/terza_teabeef [5068]
- trade: ghosts09 → vino07 w/terza_teabeef [5069]
- trade: booty09 → albhed20 w/ukiyuki [5070]
- trade: mafia01, solar15 → zelda08, zelda10, zelda11 w/manaka_baku [5071-5072]
- trade: unwanted05 → zelda03 w/ukiyuki [5073]
- trade: detective18, rekka28 → camorra06, exia11 w/fuckyeahfish [5074-5075]
- trade: switch14 → sight17 w/fuckyeahfish [5076]
- trade: clown08, japan05 → camorra05, camorra09 w/ukiyuki [5077-5078]
- trade: dragon05 → zelda13 w/azurial [5079]
- trade: book16, returners10 → zelda14, zelda15, zelda16 w/mobiuswolf [5080-5081]
- trade: punisher20 → camorra04 w/royalbk [5082]
- trade: judgment12 → scar08 w/sumeragi_sei [5083]
- trade: punisher15, punisher19 → dynames16, dynames17 w/royalbk [5084-5085]
- trade: money03 → virtue09 w/taynis [5086]
- trade: 10th01 → zelda17 w/fiendie [5087]
- trade: puu14 → dove05 w/terza_teabeef [5088]
- trade: emo02 → revolver12 w/xx_lotus_xx [5089]
- trade: demon07 → suit15 w/mobiuswolf [5090]
- trade: betrayal07, betrayal13 → progress17, progress18 w/farsketched [5091-5092]
- trade: ballet16, night10, windam13 → zelda04, zelda05, zelda06, zelda07 w/mmrobitussin [5093-5094]
- trade: plum06, plum07, rayearth03, rayearth14 → nano16, progress03, progress04, pyro18 w/xx_lotus_xx [5095-5098]
- trade: nishiura10 → progress06, progress07 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5099]
- trade: catcher14, pan34, tease13 → progress02, progress15, progress19 w/fiendie [5100-5102]
- trade: shift05, shift06, shift13 → ultraball w/farsketched [5103]
- trade: april04, ise05, ise19, orb18, snap11, strike03 → love-a-lot, share w/stuffedpanda [5104-5105]
- trade: warrior05 → vino05 w/corinn [5106]
- trade: cherry09, protect18 → dove01, sadist08 w/futatsuninja [5107-5108]
- trade: prey20, right17, twin06 → good luck w/terza_teabeef [5109]
- trade: axe17, ballet05, co-host14, despair08, despair10, exsphere18, idiot18, kendama02, kendama07, kendama10, kendama13, neptune16, pan33, pharaoh18, pharaoh19, plum03, rayearth18, rayearth19, traitor09, traitor10 → bedtime, freak03, freak04, freak05, freak06, funshine, love-a-lot, nano07, progress05, progress09, progress10, progress11, staff w/mmrobitussin [5109-5120]
- trade: egg → friend w/ukiyuki [5121]
- trade: chariot03, demon08, howl16 → grumpy w/mobiuswolf [5122]
- trade: rat09 → sight08 w/futatsuninja [5123]
- trade: katana → bedtime w/kaurin [5124]
- trade: abyssinian10 → nano19 w/whitelilies22 [5125]
- trade: ginryuu08 → freak13 w/manaka_baku [5126]
- trade: protect17 → freak11 w/futatsuninja [5127]
- trade: advisor19 → exia10 w/sumeragi_sei [5128]
- trade: nishiura08 → kaleido06, kaleido07 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5129]
- trade: positive12 → sight14 w/whitelilies22 [5130]
- trade: short01, short05, short16 → pokeball w/fiendie [5131]
- trade: pokedex69 → freak10 w/kaurin [5132]
- trade: nyoron14 → vino03 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5133]
- trade: playboy06 → suit02 w/royalbk [5134]
- gift: co-host17 to mmrobitussin [5135]
- gift: wishes03 to mobiuswolf [5136]
- gift: pokedex97 to xx_lotus_xx [5137]
- gift: wife16 to tezuka_zone_pot [5138]
- gift: dreams07 to fiendie [5139]
- gift: fiance10 to sumeragi_sei [5140]
- gift: uranus10 to corinn [5141]
- gift: smokes07 to kaurin [5142]
- gift: uranus17 to eeveelyn [5143]
- gift: pokedex84 to stuffedpanda [5144]
- gift: phantom05 to shadow_desires [5145]
- gift: heist17 to hitomik [5146]
- gift: sleep19 to whitelilies22 [5147]
- gift: magic18 to royalbk [5148]
- gift: chosen16 to miken_chan [5149]
- gift: neptune20 to taynis [5150]
- gift: venus05 to ukiyuki [5151]
- gift: eye08 to nonliquet [5152]
- gift: sky13 to kitsuneasika [5153]
- gift: gemini06 to manaka_baku [5154]
- gift: thunder15 to bottledenigma [5155]
- gift: plan05 to _androgynous_ [5156]
- gift: persocom09 to shikumo [5157]
- gift: monkey19 to arcangelus [5158]
- gift: pride09 to fuckyeahfish [5159]
- gift: madamada17 to pyol [5160]
- gift: bride12 to _ligaya_ [5161]
- gift: seer18 to sairaiyle [5162]
- gift: trumpet10 to ensnaredsinner [5163]
- gift: rabbit14 to unchainedfenrir [5164]
- gift: jellopy45 to vv_hyperion_vv [5165]
- gift: ghosts07 to terza_teabeef [5166]
- gift: senpai19 to lithographic [5167]
- gift: hacker06 to futatsuninja [5168]
- gift: swallow11 to farsketched [5169]
- gift: heist13 to tsubameongaku [5170]
- gift: armor04 to miohsen [5171]
- gift: pride20 to devow [5172]
- gift: design03 to mindismovinglow [5173]
- gift: tensai06 to herrjustice [5174]
- gift: punisher04 to chase_chan [5175]
- trade: catcher08, pan07 → kaleido08, kaleido09 w/fiendie [5176-5177]
- trade: jailbait17 → phoenix04 w/ukiyuki [5178]
- trade: knowledge15, light08, light18 → armband w/fuckyeahfish [5179]
- trade: ballet01, kailu15, plum01, sms11, striaght18, windam09 → freak01, freak02, kaleido02, kaleido03, kaelido04, kaleido05, pyro20 w/mmrobitussin [5180-5185]
- trade: chariot06, flower16, flower19 → alchemy w/mobiuswolf [5186]
- trade: dove06 → freak07 w/azurial [5187]
- trade: future08, windam15 → kaleido13, phoenix07 w/xx_lotus_xx [5188-5189]
- trade: positive14 → kaleido10 w/whitelilies22 [5190]
- trade: jailbait06, jailbait13, pitcher14 → mobiuswolf w/fiendie [5191]
- trade: dog13 → pyro02 w/terza_teabeef [5192]
- trade: duck17 → phoenix06 w/lithographic [5193]
- trade: cynic05, nyoron13 → phoenix12, phoenix13 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5194-5195]
- trade: ashes05, ashes18 → phoenix03, phoenix05 w/futatsuninja [5196-5197]
- trade: bite07, bite16 → angel05, angel06 w/pyol [5198-5199]
- trade: 13th17, candy05, ice14, persocom18, shift10 → phoenix15, phoenix16, phoenix17, phoenix19, phoenix20 w/farsketched [5200-5204]
- trade: book01, sleep12 → phoenix09, phoenix10 w/mobiuswolf [5205-5206]
- trade: legend06 → pyro09, scar05 w/futatsuninja [5207]
- trade: dove16 → phoenix11 w/azurial [5208]
- trade: curse12 → pokedex58 w/uri
- trade: hat06 → sadist14 w/hitomik [5209]
- gift: medic05 to mior_ravie [5210]
- trade: moon14 → pluto15 w/shikumo [5211]
- trade: abyssinian02, abyssinian12 → angel07, angel12 w/futatsuninja [5212-5213]
- trade: advisor03 → sadist07 w/shikumo [5214]
- trade: co-host18, neptune09, plum18, rayearth04, rayearth08, windam07 → angel13, angel14, angel15, angel16, angel17, angel18 w/mmrobitussin [5215-5220]
- trade: cherry13, cherry15 → hat17, trumpet13 w/taynis [5221-5222]
- trade: distant20, esper06 → balinese01, deceit11 w/xx_lotus_xx [5223-5224]
- trade: dog14, short09, short15, twin05 → distant19, lunar13, pokedex37, sadist09 w/terza_teabeef [5225-5228]
- trade: star08 → sadist04 w/royalbk [5229]
- trade: pokedex106 → angel08 w/kaurin [5230]
- trade: irony05, irony10 → distant10, loveless13 w/mobiuswolf [5231-5232]
- trade: espada08 → fox08, solar04 w/unchainedfenrir [5233]
- trade: lock14 → knit07, loner16 w/azurial [5234]
- trade: bomb20, ghosts19, pan46 → neptune16, pokedex06, pokekdex133 w/manaka_baku [5235-5237]
- trade: 13th03, chopin05, complex13, medic02, persocom01, persocom12 → beloved12, chopin01, lion11, madamada04, maou09, slacker01 w/shikumo [5238-5243]
- trade: rookie02 → rabbit13 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5244]
- trade: blood11, loner11, plum17 → sadist05, suit17, suit19 w/xx_lotus_xx [5245-5247]
- trade: axe18, cuffs08, despair17, exsphere08, hikikomori14, hikikomori16, ise08, perfect08, perfect10, pharaoh12, tail15 → coffee07, disney02, lolicon10, moon11, moon19, phantom03, rat10, rekka16, rookie06, tattoo04 w/mmrobitussin [5248-5257]
- trade: madamada06, plum17 → kaleido01, phoenix08 w/sumeragi_sei [5258-5259]
- gift: ballet15, dual10, neptune14, pan10, pharaoh10 to mmrobitussin [5260-5264]
- trade: beloved19 → suit13 w/terza_teabeef [5265]
- gift: twin15 to terza_teabeef [5266]
- gift: ghosts13 to terza_teabeef [5267]
- trade: star09 → rat20 w/taynis [5268]
- gift: axe19, plum13 to mmrobitussin [5269-5270]
- gift: occult17, pan18 to mmrobitussin [5271-5272]
- trade: woobie14 → detective01 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5273]
- gift:, muga05, muga09, muga12, muga13, muga20, nfu08, nya12, nya16, oresama06, oresama08, oresama14, pervert11, silver01, silver13, sword17, viper02, volley01 to mmrobitussin [5274-5290]
- trade: howl15 → emo19 w/farksetched [5291]
- trade: lock08, rookie12 → kansai02, logic09, moon01 w/azurial [5292-5293]
- trade: abyssinian01, jenova05 → protect05, sketch11 w/whitelilies22 [5294-5295]
- trade: gene07 → tree06 w/mobiuswolf [5296]
- trade: strike20 → king20 w/ukiyuki [5297]
- trade: ballet02, ballet09, pokedex71 → archer03, reverie14, shift19, purple10, underage20 w/royalbk [5298-5300]
- trade: gene12, wishes08, wishes10 → flute19, pan27, windam14 w/mobiuswolf [5301-5303]
- trade: april02, protect02 → fiance09, tattoo16 w/manaka_baku [5304-5305]
- trade: crossover17, distant04 → chopin05, night06, prodigy16 w/terza_teabeef [5306-5307]
- trade: left06, pan43 → abyssinian09, fiance08 w/shikumo [5308-5309]
- trade: dies06 → necro16 w/unchainedfenrir [5310]
- trade: detective09, knowledge09, knowledge18, thrill18 → cosplay03, night07, novelist01, revolution09 w/fuckyeahfish [5311-5314]
- trade: bomb03, bomb04, bomb09, bomb10, bomb16, bomb18 → cynic05, loyal16, right04, tsutsuji w/uri
- trade: friend → angel09, angel10, angel11 w/whitelilies22 [5315]
- trade: cuffs11 → swamp03 w/whitelilies22 [5316]
- gift: manager11, manager14, manager19, manager20 to mmrobitussin [5317-5320]
- trade: relative03 → strike11 w/mobiuswolf [5321]
- trade: bow16 → windam11 w/fuckyeahfish [5322]
- trade: crossover15 → police20 and short16 w/corinn [5323]
- gift: dual06, plum05, windam11 to mmrobitussin [5324-5326]
- trade: loyal11, smokes11 → painter01, shaman15 w/kaurin [5327-5328]
- trade: relative19 → solar13 w/mobiuswolf [5329]
- trade: pokedex32 → arthur16 w/azurial [5330]
- gift: doujin15, exsphere09 to mmrobitussin [5331-5332]
- trade: bandage10, bandage18, book03, book12, broom04, broom20, devil15, gekidasa08, manager01, manager05 → jagan20, king14, maverick14, moon07, prodigy04, rookie12, serial01, silent20, thorn16, virtue17 w/mmrobitussin [5333-5342]
- trade: trigger10 → logic10 w/mobiuswolf [5343]
- trade: deceit11, deceit12, necro15 → cow02, knit04, senapi02 w/fiendie [5344-5346]
- trade: airhead01 → king18 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5347]
- trade: distant12 → puu04 w/xx_lotus_xx [5348]
- trade: crow19 → devil16 w/farsketched [5349]
- gift: kendama17 to decreep [5350]
- gift: illegal20, kendama01, traitor02 to mmrobitussin [5351-5353]
- gift: dove20, madamada17, nya06, silver18, volley13 to mmrobitussin [5354-5357]
- gift: perfect15 to mmrobitussin [5358]
- gift: dolls08 to farsketched [5359]
- gift: broom17, doujin01, tensai04, volley04 to mmrobitussin [5360-5363]
- trade: despair02 → april06 w/mmrobitussin [5364]
- trade: howl15, judgment15, judgment19 → ririkit w/mobiuswolf [5365]
- gift: volley20 to mmrobitussin [5366]
- trade: venus03 → madamada18 w/ukiyuki [5367]
- trade: shift10 → unwanted10 w/manaka_baku [5368]
- gift: broom08, chosen12, doujin08, dove15, kansai05, tail13 to mmrobitussin [5369-5374]
- trade: dreams20, jailbait12, infocards, possess04, possess11, possess19, short13 → gamuza03, gamuza13, genrou17, gotei12, peach05, peach07, peach17, quest16 w/fiendie [5375-5381]
- gift: scythe13 from farsketched
- trade: ice12, gemini09 → scythe14, scythe15 w/farsketched [5382-5383]
- trade: woobie04, woobie08, woobie19 → cruxis w/tezuka_zone_pot [5384]
- trade: moe01, moe11, moe19 → ass w/implication [5385]
- trade: ideals05, loyal06, loyal13, neptune15 → genrou04, genrou10, onigiri10, onigiri13 w/kaurin [5386-5389]
- trade: balinese13, bombay08, bombay16, hacker06 → quest44, white horse w/whitelilies22 [5390-5391]
- trade: honey08 → quest33 w/terza_teabeef [5392]
- trade: kendama02 → quest35 w/decreep [5393]
- trade: rival14 → gamuza18 w/fiendie [5394]
- trade: beast04, rival18 → scythe07, scythe08 w/fiendie [5395-5396]
- trade: serial09 → council05 w/sumeragi_sei [5397]
- trade: howl16 → council16 w/farsketched [5398]
- gift: devil06, gekidasa07, gekidasa11, madamada12, muga02, silver17 to mmrobitussin [5399-5404]
- trade: magic03 → council13 w/royalbk [5405]
- gift: gotei07 from terza_teabeef
- trade: egg, ideals19 → infocards, pipe04 w/kaurin [5406-5407]
- trade: mobiuswolf → gamuza19, homicide02 w/mobiuswolf [5408]
- trade: shark07 → shenlong16 w/decreep [5409]
- trade: airhead15 → shenlong11 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5410]
- trade: heart08, heart10, lost11 → genrou01, genrou02, genrou03 w/unchainedfenrir [5411-5413]
- trade: monster09 → quest67 w/sumeragi_sei [5414]
- gift: bandage12, despair13, manager15, nya14, pharaoh05, seal10, tail09 to mmrobitussin [5415-5421]
- trade: bomb05, cheezburgr12, cheezburgr13, clow10 → council15, gamuza01, gotei09, pipe20, primrose06 w/uri
- trade: moon01 → lancelot03 w/ukiyuki [5422]
- trade: snacks08 → quest18 w/ukiyuki [5423]
- trade: mmrobitussin → council03, genrou15, quest25 w/mmrobitussin [5424]
- gift: bomb07, bomb12, pluto07 from mmrobitussin
- trade: bomb07, bomb12 → quest11, stone13 w/uri
- trade: celes18, neptune11 → lotus w/alana
- trade: stalker06 → bomb14 w/futatsuninja [5425]
- trade: burn04 → curse18 w/mobiuswolf [5426]
- trade: bomb14, curse18, viper09 → homicide08, purity04 w/uri
- trade: ballet16 → quest14, shenlong15 w/royalbk [5427]
- trade: short04 → quest10 w/fiendie [5428]
- trade: windam04 → shenlong17 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5429]
- trade: monster01 → southern08 w/sumeragi_sei [5430]
- trade: cherry13, siberian01, siberian07, siberian18 → gamuza05, gamuza06, gamuza07, gamuza08 w/futatsuninja [5431-5434]
- trade: scythe02 → southern04 w/kaurin [5435]
- trade: french07, rat10, shenlong18, stalker04 → gamuza16, gotei05, quest54 w/futatsuninja [5436-5438]
- trade: materia08 → stone15 wtih farsketched [5439]
- trade: airhead11, esper11, lancelot07, necro02, pokedex32, rekka17, rekka38 → bomb02, bomb08, bomb19, gamuza09, primrose17, mafia02 w/xx_lotus_xx [5440-5445]
- trade: primrose17 → quest64 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5446]
- trade: bomb02, bomb08, bomb19, catfight, mafia02 → dice17, dino19, pilot16, pun04, rival16, southern14, typhoon19 w/uri
- trade: eat07 → dice17 w/mobiuswolf [5447]
- gift: saturn02 to kaelienl [5448]
- trade: peach07 → council12 w/implication [5449]
- trade: saturn14, saturn17 → primrose14, shenlong04 w/kaelienl [5450-5451]
- gift: gamuza20, gotei03, typhoon09, unwanted20 from mmrobitussin
- trade: punisher06 → dice10 w/royalbk [5452]
- trade: cynic04, dice16, honey14 → shenlong12, shenlong13, shenlong14 w/terza_teabeef [5453-5455]
- trade: otaku02 → unwanted02 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5456]
- gift: broom05, kendama09, nya04, positive05 to mmrobitussin [5457-5460]
- trade: purity09, purity10 → peach19, peach20 w/whitelilies22 [5461-5462]
- trade: ougi16, rival16, typhoon19 → homicide03, peach14, peach15 w/fiendie [5463-5465]
- trade: legend04 → gotei06 w/futatsuninja [5466]
- trade: gene03 → shenlong05 w/mobiuswolf [5467]
- trade: wizard01, wizard19 → quest22, quest72 w/mobiuswolf [5468-5469]
- trade: paradise01 → gamuza14, gamuza15 w/mobiuswolf [5470]
- trade: ise08 → gamuza04 w/xx_lotus_xx [5471]
- trade: morph19 → pilot09 w/fiendie [5472]
- trade: dino09, dino14, dino18, dino19 → peach13, shenlong06, shenlong07, shenlong10 w/farsketched [5473-5476]
- trade: hat16, snap14 → council07, quest31 w/farsketched [5477-5478]
- trade: pokedex11, pokedex18 → quest17, quest75 w/royalbk [5479-5480]
- trade: clown12, snacks07 → quest58, rabbit01 w/ukiyuki [5481-5482]
- trade: arthur13 → pilot08 w/whitelilies22 [5483]
- gift: gotei15, quest68 from mmrobitussin
- trade: broom07, doujin09, kendama06, neptune08 → eat04, pun08, quest07 w/mmrobitussin [5484-5486]
- trade: paradise08 → homicide10 w/mobiuswolf [5487]
- trade: chaos04 → creation13 w/futatsuninja [5488]
- trade: creation07, creation13, paradise13 → council10, council17, quest56, quest73 w/mobiuswolf [5489-5491]
- trade: onigiri07, onigiri08, windam15 → pun11, typhoon20 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5492-5493]
- trade: irony19 → eat03 w/fuckyeahfish [5494]
- trade: pun01 → eat17, eat19 w/fiendie [5495]
- trade: alien15 → creation01 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5496]
- trade: warrior13 → eat10 w/kaurin [5497]
- trade: curse07, left12, onigiri14 → eat14, quest28, southern03 w/implication [5498-5500]
- trade: hell14, tone14 → design12, trainer20 w/shadow_desires [5501]
- trade: curse15, solar09, solar10 → eat06, paradise15 w/uri
- trade: genrou17, monster08 → purity10, stone07 w/sumeragi_sei [5502]
- trade: pipe20 → quest48 w/manaka_baku [5503]
- trade: flame05 → purity11 w/decreep [5504]
- trade: forget01, forget20 → pipe05, pipe06 w/terza_teabeef [5505-5506]
- gift: novelist05 to rynankh [5507]
- gift: bow09, cuffs03, devil20, hyotei16, kansai17 to mmrobitussin [5508-5512]
- trade: chariot02, chariot18 → paradise08 w/xx_lotus_xx [5513]
- trade: gene01, gene02 → purity18, queset24 w/rynankh [5514-5515]
- trade: illegal16, normal13 → insei15, creation07 w/mmrobitussin [5516-5517]
- trade: pokedex46, pokedex73 → purity01, stone02 w/royalbk [5518-5519]
- trade: peach08 → pipe11 w/implication [5520]
- trade: genrou13 → dice03 w/mobiuswolf [5521]
- trade: ideals11, nirvash13 → dice18, pipe01 w/kaurin [5522-5523]
- trade: yanki12 → purity06 w/shadow_desires [5524]
- trade: lock04, magician20, yanki18 → pipe02, pipe03, pipe15, pipe16 w/shadow_desires [5525-5527]
- trade: rookie03 → insei09 w/implication [5528]
- trade: pokedex74 → insei04 w/royalbk [5529]
- gift: vino01 to espana [5530]
- trade: vino03 → creation03 w/espana [5531]
- gift: bow14, broom09, oresama17 to mmrobitussin [5532-5533]
- gift: exorcist10, homicide07, pun20 from mmrobitussin
- trade: nirvash13 → purity09 w/terza_teabeef [5534]
- gift: shuusaku03 to terza_teabeef [5535]
- gift: amnesia19 to futatsuninja [5536]
- gift: windam18 to rynankh [5537]
- gift: scatter05 to whitelilies22 [5538]
- trade: chariot19 → rival19 w/xx_lotus_xx [5539]
- trade: soun01 → insei14 w/fuckyeahfish [5540]
- gift: souen04 to fuckyeahfish [5541]
- gift: pokedex03 to royalbk [5542]
- gift: right07 to shikumo [5543]
- gift: black19 to fiendie [5544]
- gift: pan14 to sairaiyle [5545]
- gift: star20 to kaurin [5546]
- gift: venus10 to ukiyuki [5547]
- gift: rabbit11 to unchainedfenrir [5548]
- trade: council15, genrou14, monster15 → pipe07, pipe08, pipe13 w/sumeragi_sei [5549-5550]
- trade: fiance06, fiance11 → creation14, sleep10 w/sumeragi_sei [5551-5552]
- gift: wizard18 to shadow_desires [5553]
- trade: gene18 → pipe14 w/mobiuswolf [5554]
- gift: hope13 to sumeragi_sei [5555]
- gift: boots03 to tsubameongaku [5556]
- gift: objection18 to herrjustice [5557]
- gift: vino16 to espana [5558]
- gift: jellopy11 to mobiuswolf [5559]
- trade: cruxis → dice16, insei03, primrose12 w/kaurin [5560]
- trade: pizza08 → purity15 w/xx_lotus_xx [5561]
- gift: hyotei02, manager18, oresama01, tensai06 to mmrobitussin [5562-5565]
- trade: venus11 → revolution18 w/ukiyuki [5566]
- trade: armor19 → primrose01 w/farsketched [5567]
- trade: snap03 → primrose05 w/farsketched [5568]
- gift: right08 to implication [5569]
- trade: nirvash05, rival03 → stone04, typhoon18 w/terza_teabeef [5570-5571]
- gift: plan05 to farsketched [5572]
- trade: pokedex75 → adopted14 w/royalbk [5573]
- trade: solar16 → adopted19 w/uri
- trade: adopted07, hosts13, solar17, solar20, warrior15, warrior18 → dice01, dice02, pipe12, quest29, ultraball. [5574-5578]
- trade: quest31, zero01, zero07, zero18 → dino01, primrose02, primrose03, primrose04 w/fiendie [5579-5582]
- trade: exsphere15, pipe20 → adopted02, pilot04 w/mobiuswolf [5583-5584]
- trade: protect13 → eat15 w/corinn [5585]
- trade: fiance16 → quest12 w/rynankh [5586]
- trade: paradise10 → distant10, trigger02 w/terza_teabeef [5587]
- trade: four01, four04, four15 → adopted03, knit15, primrose09 w/tezuka_zone_pot [5588-5590]
- trade: saturn05 → rival20 w/kaelienl [5591]
- gift: adopted15, southern19 from mmrobitussin
- trade: pizza11, pizza13 → primrose18, primrose19 w/xx_lotus_xx [5592-5593]
- trade: legend10 → adopted17, dino06 w/futatsuninja [5594]
- trade: thunder03 → rival13 w/unchainedfenrir [5595]
- trade: xxxg01 → monster09, monster13 w/mobiuswolf [5596]
- trade: resist14, strahl07 → primrose15, primrose16 w/ukiyuki [5597-5598]
- trade: gotei10 → homicide01 w/farsketched [5599]
- trade: protect16, protect18, unlucky17 → crystal w/ukiyuki [5600]
- trade: quest08, quest11, quest22 → adopted13, dino11, nirvash13 w/fiendie [56010-5603]
- trade: nobodies05 → homicide06 w/unchainedfenrir [5604]
- trade: solar12 → nirvash01 w/uri
- trade: fiance13 → southern05 w/rynankh [5605]
- trade: left07 → insei12 w/shadow_desires [5606]
- trade: hope02, ice19 → homicide11 w/decreep [5607]
- trade: gene14, horse12 → pun16 w/sairaiyle [5608]

trade log

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