Sep 26, 2008 00:43
Alright so I've been lax, but here it is...
Last weekend at fight practice I fought with:
Strapped round and sword
Glaive with hook
With the strapped round:
Did a decent job punch-blocking safely, and didn't nerf anyone in the head this time. Got quite handy at blocking Adette's blows and even blocked a few of Allan's. However I was blinding myself with some of the punches, and he stepped in and clopped me on the left with an offside whenever I did. Gotta remember to punch lower.
With the sword:
I learned the wrap shot but found it quite difficult in armour. Might be my weightbelt but I just cannot bring myself to bend that way just yet. I was practicing against the helpless pell-pole out of armour and found the movements much easier. Just have to translate them into movements in armour. Gotta remember to tilt my head, move my feet and use my hips... hmm sounds like I'm practicing something else...
With the Glaive:
Mostly got pwned. Kept pressing without doing anything, and backing away in a strait line. Got a couple good blocks with the lower shaft, still finding my comfort with using the blade end of it. I got one guy with the hook, new fellow. It was a very clean hook, drag and stab to the face. Gotta work on making that faster.
For this coming week:
Alfgeir gave me a one-handed Saracen warhammer he constructed! Yay! New toy! Wanna take that out to play, but I really wanna work with the strapped round with sheild stuff. Back to basics and all that jazz. Oooo but the hammer is perty...
Gonna leave the glaive at home for now. Kinda a pain to pack around, and I'd really only use it for war anyway. Hmm... Warlord's tournament next week...
fighting journal