May 30, 2007 22:28
Just in time for Sealion indeed...
We got new rules for thrown weapons in the Marshall's handbook, basically saying all the missle weapons I've been slaving away on for the last week won't work. They need to have Siloflex handles or rattan handles... which doesn't quite click with me since wouldn't hurling a throwing axe with a rattan handle really, really hurt? And what about javellins? Do they have to be made entirely from Siloflex?
Just... damn it I spent all that time and money and now I gotta chuck it all in the trash. At least my arrows passed muster, although I need to move the APD back a bit farther... but then how will you grip the nock of the arrow when you have a big plastic ring sitting right where your fingers go???
I need some help to understand this 'cause I felt my heart hit the floor when I read the email. I got a lot of questions for the Baron and them on Friday. I want to shoot for Sealion, but I was so hoping to give my friends some missle weapons as well. Hand Aelfgar a brace of axes, a javelling for Yakana so they could be authorized with them. Now I can't, and that's what kills me the most I think.