Jan 28, 2006 17:12
Unwilling, when used as an adjective, refers to not willing; hesitant or loath. Done, given, or said reluctantly. Not disposed or inclined toward.
Refuse, when used as a Transitive verb, is to indicate unwillingness to do, accept, give, or allow. Also, to indicate unwillingness.(to do something)
As an Intransive Verb, 'Refuse' - To decline to do, accept, give, or allow something.
"I am disinclined to acquiesce to that request." To decline, means to express polite refusal.
No matter how you say it, no, means no.
I'm not posting this to seem mean, I'm doing it to inform. If I am 'unwilling' to do something, please, do not attempt to sit there, and coax me into doing it. I refused, because I didn't want to. I declined, because I wanted to say 'no', in a manner that wouldn't be impolite.
*Sighs softly, and then nuzzles* This goes out to someone, and I am sorry they misinterpreted my mood.
Talk to you guys later.