I have been pondering your interest in the one known as Kamina, Urahara Kisuke. It is for this reason I have decided to share information with you, as I feel that the results of your research can be mutually beneficial.
Recent events have lead me to believe that several members of the Dai Gurren Dan possess the ability to control Spiral Energy. Humans are born with the ability to harness the power of the Spiral, but few actually are successful in accomplishing the feat. Humans, however, are not the only creatures who possess this ability. There were once many all across the cosmos who had this capacity. many banded together and formed an organization known as the Spiral Knights. I was once one of them.
Spiral power is the power of evolution, the power to move forward. Those who possess it also possess great ambition and willpower. As such, it often manifests itself as a drill, as was often our weapon of choice.
In many instances, our weapons were powered by Spiral Energy in the form of something known as a Core Drill. This formed a focus point for our Spiral Energy.
Spiral Power has also been known to flow out of the body and becomes a visible phenomenon. This has also been mistaken as "fighting will" or "conviction." However, it is merely the energy flowing out of us.
If you choose to study Kamina and his faction more, I am interested in knowing the results. I hope my information has been helpful to you.