*sighs rather annoyed*

Oct 02, 2009 20:57

I think I should rename this my rant journal since that's the only time I ever think about posting...
for the record anyone reading this...if you ever have a friend that you know has work class excetra. on the day your having your birthday dinner...you invite them...they tell you that they have work/school and you precede to give them puppy eyes until they give in and ask if they can leave an hour early and they tell you multiple times when they will be free which is the time/you/agree to eat. Don't decided at the last minute to eat a freakin hour earlier!
then when said friend calls and askes if your still there don't say yes but your going to leave soon...only to not be home until an hour latter!

its rather annoying...only minutly so I guess but still!

now to fill in some actual gaps

its was my roommates birtday yesterday her and most of her friends didn't have class today so it was decided that she would have her birthday dinner today
I had class but I told her that they usualy let us out early...but I wouldn't not be able to go any earlier than 8 I told her and her mom this multiple times!
so why do I get a txt at 5:30ish asking what time I will be out? a txt that I did not get cause I was in class...granted we have a break but I had a lot to do so I didn't even think to look at my phone...
then to get a txt at 7 (after said break anyways) saying they are leaving
why are you going to ask when I can go if your just going to forget!
I mean I know my memory is not that great eitehr but between the two of them an multiple times you'd think someone woul remeber dinner at 8 got it...

worse I don't really feel like I can complain with out making it seem like I think that they had to wait for me...I don't...unless of course you tell me you will....then its a matter of doing what you said...pluss I hardly ate dinner thinking I'd be going to a buffet tonight...
*sighs* of course I will give her she offered to bringing me back food but its not something I really should be spending money I was just going to do it because I'd be having dinner with her and her friends as much as I LOVE chinesse food I don't want to have to pay her back for that just eating alone...
of course I got out at 8 she said oh were almost done...its now after 9 no sign of anyone...wait I lied here...
and they brought food go figure..
oh well..*since she said no not sure if she should pay them back*
will see now that I have eaten food and deliciouse choclate cake *loves publix cake*
my annoyince has some what subsided

though....no Cai...they came and all vaished again...don't know what happend..people do things so quickly @_@
which of course do to wanting to eat with her being my main annoyince...*sighs*
oh well nothing I can do now..but maybe pout a little ^_~
maybe next time..
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