Nancy and I are famous!!! Well, not really but I like to think so. lol. We went to a d-backs game tonight (a first for all of us this season) and before the game this guy asked us if he could take our picture to put up on the d-backs website. We said sure and then he gave us a card telling us how to see them. I got home a little bit ago to see if they were on and they were!! It was quite exciting!!! Here's the link if you'd like to see! Just scroll down a bit to find us. Anyways, work and my nanna's visit have been great! David's grad party Saturday was fun, went shopping at Chandler Mall yesterday and got a few new things, saw Over the Hedge Sunday with my mom, saw The Break Up today with my mom, nanna, and David, then went to lunch at Paradise Bakery. It's been pretty darn busy but that's the way I like it.
Well, it's off to bed pretty soon for me. Have to get up early for work tomorrow!