okay well triggerstreet.com hall of justice have decided to delete my film from its site because of the borrowing of hans zimmers music.
its about damn time!!!!!
that things been up for almost 2 in a half years. i was tired of it being online, the more i watched it or i thought about someone watching it, the more i thought about all the things i could have fixed or re-edited. all these new ideas start flying through my head with story changes and camera placement.
speaking of movies, that full length movie i've been in pre-production has been delayed for a little longer. which is alright, ive only been losing money. its been a year now and nothing.
im thinking of just shooting another short or something.
also, i wanna see the upcoming movie Garden State,
Trailer 1 /
Trailer 2 . It looks so beautifully and poetically done. I am very excited about this.