I just felt like writing...

Jan 09, 2007 22:41

I haven't had any brilliant ideas recently for entries. sometimes while I'm shopping one comes and goes but it never seems to be worth it when I get home and am sitting at a computer, so I'm just going to type about whatever comes to mind.

The only interesting thing is I went through my blog on myspace and deleted a few entries about working at Burke Williams, because I added a few people from Burke to my friends list and I don't want them going and reading what I said...don't worry, no hate on any of you.

Ah-ha. Let me tell you about Venice Beach...

Venice Beach is a weird ass place. I love it. The entire boardwalk kind of feels like the saturday market in Downtown Portland, only much more warm, and much more attractive women. Actually maybe the women aren't more attractive, it's just that half of them are walking around in bikinis due to the aforementioned warmth. Also it seems to be the first place where you see more 19-20 year olds rather than under 18 or over 25, which seems to be everyone I know(more so the over 25). You also see really weird shit. Both times I've been to the park there has been the same extremely flamboyant guy listening to funk music doing roller disco dancing at the bottom level of the park in tiny cutoff jean shorts with a spandex shirt. I chuckle a little everytime. This last time some random naked kid ran through the middle of the park(he was about four or five) and oddly enough, was not lead nor followed by any sort of parental figure. I chuckled again. Of course there have been a slue of homeless people playing the flute or recorder, while you also see the ocassional break dancer whose really really horrible at break dancing making a video with his friends. I mean this place is like another dimension. There's a very hippie vibe, which feels a little like home, and it's just a great place to be.

So how sick and tired are all of you hearing me talk about how much I love this place? I'm honestly dying for something else to write about, but I've had writers block I suppose.......WAIT! I have a brilliant idea. Send me an idea for topic(I always enjoy a controversial one, but nothing stupid like abortion or gay marriage:those are too heavy and wouldn't be fun to type about). I'll pick one that sounds like the most fun to write about and I'll write about it. If you enjoy reading my blog, then you'll enjoy this "contest." If you HATE reading my blog...then I hate you too and I'm going to go sulk...(not really I'm an incensitive prick whose really just going to ignore anything bad you have to say about me because I'm cocky...I mean uh....comfortable with who I am)
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