Everyone else is doing it, and I just want to be cool.

Jan 01, 2007 23:46

yeah..everyone else is doing the whole "happy new years" post on livejournal, myspace, facebook, etc. So here's mine: Happy New Year. Don't be confused however: just because some of you will be writing the wrong dates on your rent checks, and others the wrong date on term papers for the next month, it doesn't mean you have the fabled "new start" everyone puts stock in this time of year. You don't get a clean slate because the ball has dropped. You do however get a clean slate, every morning you wake up. You want to start going to the gym (used as an example only be cause it is so damn cliche), then why the fuck did you wait till the start of the new year? Wake up in the morning, and make your new day's resolution. Whatever you want to do, start working towards doing it now.

I'm so proud of Max Dulin right now. Some of you know Max, some of you don't. Max Dulin no longer lives in the United States, but rather right now he resides for the next three months in South Africa. I never remember him talking about doing this while we were going to Highschool together, he just up and did it I guess cause one day he decided to. I mean there was more planning to it I'm sure, but a year ago he didn't plan on going to South Africa. I admire and applaud him for it. I know people who for years now they've been talking about doing something very similar, and I know deep down that it's far from happening in the near future, if at all. Now while there is nothing shameful in that, there's just something to say for Max, who didn't wait for the "New Year" to resolve to do this sometime possibly. He just did it. Be like Max, do what you want, do what you need, and happiness will find you.
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