About me coming home for Christmas...

Nov 27, 2006 00:46

I will not be staying more than three days(if even that) when I come home for christmas. Work prevents me from taking a real vacation during the holiday season, so there is a very likely chance that I promised I would be able to see you, and might not. That means I will be alone for new years because Stephan will be in Lake Tahoe, and the rest of my world will be in Oregon. I'm pretty depressed about that...just like my thanksgiving...which was depressing. I spent it alone in my apartment by myself. I called my dad and kinda had a break down about how everyone I know is in Oregon and going from 19 years of big family dinners to being alone, I mean DEAD ALONE during the holidays is doing a number on me. My friends down here were all with Family, and while I had two invitations to spend thannksgiving with my friends and their girlfriends, I declined because one of them doesn't particularly care for my company(or rather me being around HER boyfriend at all), and the other, who is a sweet girl with an awesome family, they aren't my family and it doesn't feel right. I did kind of have thanksgiving lunch with them though. Thanks Dylan and Michelle, The closest I had to thanksgiving was eating with the two of you upstairs at two in the afternoon

So anyways that's enough about me being alone. I wouldn't trade this place for the world.

Sometimes when the mouthwash label is facing the wall and you can't read it, clients at the spa use it as aftershave....so funny.

Ayree(my six year old next door neighbor) woke me up early today to go skate. I let him scratch a skull in my griptape to make my board look cooler, and then skated with him for twenty minutes or so before heading off to Santa Monica to skate. That kid is way too rad.

I skated out in by the beach for a while when some lady in her mid twenties came up to me and asked if she could take pictures of me for a photography class. I skated this sand gap doing fliptricks over it while she took sequences. She asked for a fast motion shot so I hauled ass and busted some huge ten foot or so powerslide going a million miles an hour, and I remembered why I love skateboarding. So liberating.
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