This journal is friends locked.

Nov 29, 2013 16:37

Since this is my personal journal, it is friends-only. My friending policy is friend me and I'll most likely friend you back, or just leave a comment to be added. (Though I'll probably check out your LJ) The only people I'm excluding on principle are people who have a combination of the following traits: 1) I've never seen you before in fandom, and 2) you either have a brand new journal or you have an empty journal. This is simply because if I don't know anything about you, I'm not going to friend you.

Thanks for understanding! *g*

ETA: As of January 2011, I have transferred all my journal entries and fiction over to I will still be cross posting to LJ, but DW will be hosting all my new content. If you are on my flist or interested in adding me, let me know what your dw username is and I'll add you there.
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