May 02, 2009 13:51
History repeated itself. Yeah, I knew it was long coming. And now we are being disallowed to express our emotions about it. It went beyond a trivial matter. And people don't seem to understand that. And you can't really make people understand things unless they really want to.
With that said, I have an announcement.
Unless you are someone new, I am taking a hiatus from the wank-filled dramatastic pretendy-happy-funtimes here in LJ and doing it in City of Heroes instead. If there are things you want to finish with me, or things that you want to do with me there, find one of my characters that are on and talk to me there. Which one that will be? Well... you're gonna have to find out, aren't you?
I could go on and on about things that make me absolutely unhappy about pretendy-happy-funtiems here on LJ, but I'm not going to. Why? That's because it's a waste of my time. And yours.
And quite frankly, this makes me re-evaluate myself and see who my real friends are. *shrug*
Auf Wiedersehen.