So should I kick and twist and scream, / or could I just lay back and dream and think of summer? / Oh, there'd be no one else around / just you and I and the sound of us breathing together. / Stuck in this crumbling little town / we'd be happy just to lie down there forever.
-The Push Stars, "Any Little Town"
I realize there's been a series of sappy Rachel-Aaron entries, but when you spend every day with a person, posts write themselves. Bear with me, though, this is the last mushy entry for awhile - albeit a doozy.
I moved home from Edinboro yesterday, and now it's time to grow up. Having supposed to have graduated in December (but then deciding to take additional theatre and English classes for fun and then wanting to spend one last summer with friends), I've definitely been suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. So I bummed around the town all summer, and I filled my days with three of my best friends:
Activities: Daily lunches, smoking on the porch (I don't smoke), Sex and the City, antique purse/hat shopping, girls' nights, being bitchy.
Activities: Fast food, playing dress-up, mornings in bed, Stella, kisses.
Activities: House, milk and Oreos, "It's fun to watch you struggle."
There was much talking, eating out, barring and whoring. I had great fun, but at the same time everything was so bittersweet. Aaron took many rolls of pictures during the last few weeks, so hopefully I'll get copies.
On my last night, Aaron and I went on a date. To where? McDonald's. Dressed how? In a gown and a tuxedo. It's our thing. But when we got there, our seating section was "Closed." I had a heart attack, as I hate change - especially with tradition. Fortunately, the register boy allowed us to sit at our table anyway. We ordered the standard - Rachel: cheeseburger and chocolate shake; Aaron: double-cheeseburger value meal - and spent the rest of the meal taking each other's photo.
My family arrived early yesterday morning, and we departed two hours later. I'm always amazed at how my mother can pack an entire room within an hour and still stay organized. Also note that I hadn't packed anything when they got there because I was still in denial. But I'm home now.
Aaron came with us as well. He's spending the rest of his summer in Chambersburg with family and friends. His ride arrived in the evening, and I maintained composure until after he left. Then I cried until I went to bed - even while making this photo-timeline of us.