(no subject)

Jul 16, 2012 10:31

As excited as I am for this legacy, I'm not excited that I had to rewrite it. Not exactly what I call fun. Anyways, on with the show. 
  Meet Cayenne Spice, the founder of this legacy.  (Just in case you're wondering, yes, I am going to name all the future generations after various spices and herbs) She lives with her cat, Tigris, who enjoys pouncing on every walk-by in her sight.

Cayenne's personality-
5 sloppy/neat, 3 shy/outgoing, 7 lazy/active,3 serious/playful, 7 grouchy/nice
Pleasure, LTW 50 dream dates
The legacy house shack.Originally,  I meant for it to look like one of those tiny homes on wheels. (not a trailer) But Cayenne didn''t have enough cash for that.

Some pic spam of Tigris. I made her in CAS and I'm very proud of her.

Since Cayenne had around 60 some simoleons, she discovers the joys of digging for treasure.

I forgot didn't have enough cash to buy a scratching post, so Tigris decides to attempt to ruin the bed. Ironically, this is practically one of the first things that she does after I built the house.

Cayenne headed to one of the downtown parks to start looking for a match. Of course, the logical thing to do is lounge on a park bench.

And of course once I tell you not to lounge, the next thing to do is to lounge on the other bench.

The "what's this?" action is hilarious.

That's attractive...

I had Cayenne DJ to earn extra cash.

A great example of sim logic here- you have 73 simoleans, what should you do with them? Spend 10 of them on fruit punch! *face palm*

Cayenne- "Hey, how's it goin?"

The only guy she found (that was even partially acceptable), was Don Sell. I just can't take his nose, though.

Cayenne had been in the music career track, until I failed a chance card and she got demoted.  Later, she kept rolling wants to quit so I had her quit and join the slacker track.

I love Tigris's face in this- "Watch it mister. Put me down."

I had Cayenne propose to Don,but she was rejected.  Rough week for her, a job demotion and being rejected.  I have plans for you Cayenne, and it doesn't involve sims with ugly noses.

And I'll leave it at that. Teeny cliffhanger?

legacy, sims 2

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