Last time-
-We met the newest Spice, Sesame Spice, and she had her first and second birthdays.
- Basil grew up badly
- Hobart got fat D:
- I remodeled the house
- The maid was a cat obsessed perv, but that's quite normal.
(I'm hoping this will be one of the last updates with generation one, it seems like everyone else's legacies go so fast!)
Somewhere near the beginning of this, Hobart gets a chance card.
You should've seen me when I got that pop-up...
I demolished their previous house and opted for a one story instead because I think it's easier to add onto it need be. Also, at least in my opinion, this house it the best I've built! (ignore the unfinished rooms, leaving those for later. Totally not because I ran out of the Spice's simoleans. nope.)
Baby bump!! I know it's late for another baby, but it's her last one.
YES! I adore kittens so much :)
As you can see, the boy kitten is Pounce, the girl's name escapes me.
Ears and Roar. They really can't get along.
Sesame- How long does this birthday thing take again?
I aged up this townie girl with Basil. They were best friends, and a potential couple.
I downloaded a hacked coat hook that lets you buy free clothes, so I gave townie girl (Robin?) a makeover. Basil got one too, but not so dramatic. Just new clothes.
These two had their first kiss, but of course this was after a major glitch where both parents got stuck in bed and i didn't think to use moveobjects until they both got out and died... cue quit without saving. I didn't have Fraps on and so this stands in for first kiss pic.
Life sucks when this shows up. Go back to where you came from, roaches!
I was really sick of Hobart's fatness, so I sent him to that 1,2,3+ Gym in Bluewater Village.
All the exercise made Hobart need a drink.
Crap. No one died though.
Nothing to see here...
Kitty love!
Last baby, I promise. Baby boy named Clove. I know, I know, it's used as a girls name in the Hunger Games. Despite being the biggest fan-girl ever, I get Cato and Clove mixed up name wise. But really, it's not a gender specific name.
Sesame's birthday! Yayy! :D
Annnd the first thing she does is fall asleep on her cake. I can already see that she's going places. Like the matress store.
Toddler adorableness. I grew him up almost right away, because he's so far behind the others.
It's Christmas time at the Spice house! (I just got holiday stuff from my friend)
Santa Cookies!
Santa left a stero!
Santa AND a penguin?!
This is awkward... (That's Cayenne in the shower)
Christmas, Christmas time is near, time for toys and time for tree fires...
Clove- "Mommy?... Mommy?... The tree's on fire..." (No one died.)
And that about wraps it up for now. Thanks for reading! Also, I am thinking about putting up and heir poll, since I don't really have a favorite. (Clove is exempt) Although I'm not sure if I have enough readers to do that, so anyone wanting to see an heir poll just comment or whatever.