Aug 11, 2005 22:07
Am I happy to finish this work filled summer so that I can return to my girls in Erie? Am I sad that I didn't get a chance to visit my family or friends as much as I had planned/wanted? Or am I nervous to start school once again as a freshman, with a bajillion science classes?
Well I at least enjoyed myself a few times this summer. "Some highlights please", you may ask? Surely.
-Night in Station Square with Kel Ann.
-Tom Petty with my mom
-Meeting Rob from the Clarks and hanging out with him at Tom Petty
-Seeing Jaime at Tom Petty
-Going to Robinson with JC
-Meeting the rest of the Clarks and their concert with JC
-Fixing IDT
-Trip up to Erie
-Moraine with JC
-Staind/3 Doors Down
-Being in the right place at the right time
-Lake Milton with the girls + Mike
-Clear Creek
-Latrobe to watch the Steelers practice
-Melting Pot with my mother
I may not have gone to some week long vacation to some exotic beach, but I think I did a pretty good job of enjoying my summer even though I had two jobs at one point and have been working my ass off.
Forget the other emotions, bring on the move back to Erie!