16 candles

Jun 16, 2004 21:05

So after a brisk few laps in the swimming pool (I got out of breath after about two) at your local friendly boston sports club, I am relxing the hot tub when who walks in but a hoooooooooot guy, followed closely by (who else, according to my luck) but Greg Celata. Awwwwwwwwwkward. So we talked for a few minutes, (unfortunatly I was not introduced to his friend) "how's your summer" " how'd you do on math?" "so...you have a membership here?" and the like. I finally put an end to our suffering by saying I had to go, which I did, even though he had only just got there. I felt rude, but I hate awkwardness. I told my sister this, and she was like, "why do you always like his friends?" I don't know. For those of you who don't know, he asked for my number and never called, but I don't mind, as it would have been awkward. Also I almost slipped when I got out of the hot tub. So Mary, is that what happened in 16 candles? Not quite...at least I don't remember a hot tub scene. Why don't I bump into the people I want to bump into? Clearly, some wires were crossed in the universe and CNa met up with myyyyyyyyyy lover instead of me. OK, that syntax is relaying the wrong message. I want to meet up with my lover, not with CNa, no offense CNa. ;-P
I saw View from the Top...I am a kitten....
Also two hours of driving with a smelly old woman, who would not get her foot off the passenger side brake!!!!

At last! I can drive.
If only the instructor
would lay off the brake.

ingrid is my god
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