May 27, 2005 23:03
DAmn so I found out my RA from last semester won't be next year. That is so sad. I mean this is one very awesome individual and he got fired. He will probably be the best RA i will ever have but hey i guess it will give me the opportunity to meet new ppl which i really need to do. So I have started working out more. I'm jump roping which is can be very effective but it sounds kinda gay lol I've also been hitting the weights. So i walk into Subway today and this chick is like can you help me? and im like what do you need? and she was like i need money for my baby to eat... so i was like hold on. so i ended up giving her two dollars. I dont know what it is about me or how i look or whatever that makes ppl think they can get money off of me and whatnot. But i know if i didnt i would end up thinking that "child" starved to death. Oh seen Hitch the other day and it was good and all but hanging out with my cousins was hilarious.. Well catch ya'll later.