(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 18:42

Out Of Character Information!
NAME;; Fang
AGE;; 21
JOURNAL;; Sangogrl41
AIM/YIM/MSN;; AIM: Kuramalover1080
EMAIL;; Kuramalover1080@aol.com


In Character Information!
FANDOM;; Fruits Basket
TIMELINE;; From right after she regains her ability to speak

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE;; http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com:81/uploads/1355919614.jpg

Kisa is a cute, small and a real girly girl, always seen in a dress of some kid. She has amber orange hair with matching deep amber, brown eyes. But because of this fact she looks different than normal Japanese girls and she was teased greatly for it. So, because of this, she is a little shy about the way she looks, besides that she is about average height for her age and is a healthy weight. When she is in her tiger form though, she is an orange Bengal cub with black to dark brown stripes.


Kisa is part of the Sohma family that is plagued by a curse that has been on the family for as long as they can remember. The curse means that 13 members of the family are affected and when hugged by a member of the opposite sex, or they are under a great deal of stress, they turn into one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals plus the cat. The zodiac members are also lead by the head of family who is the only one, beside other zodiac members, that can hug them and they won't transform.


As far as strengths and weaknesses go, Kisa is a pretty average little girl (besides being able to turn into a tiger). She tries to be as strong as she can when something upsets her but she still needs support and someone saying they like her, especially Tohru.

One thing she is weak to happens to be teasing, she will try to put on a brave face but deep down she really battles with trying to be okay with it. This fact is once more reinstated when Hiro-chan goes from almost childishly ignoring her to expressing how he feels within a short period of time. So this means that if someone teases or yells at her but means well, she is quick to look past the faults rather than to see it for just as it is.


Kisa is a cute but very shy and withdrawn girl. Her mother has always been overprotective of her and tried to shield her from the wrongs of the world without thinking of the negative that may have on her. Being the naturally kind, sweet girl that she is, she is capable of a smile that captivates whoever sees it, though she is oblivious to that fact if because of it, someone may be falling in love with her. Because of this she is seen as a princess as by the majority of the Sohma family and others, making them wish to protect her as well.

When she gets to know someone well she is very affectionate and will trust him or her fully. She tries her hardest to be brave and face her fears. Though she still does get shy and messes up from time to time. In classes she understands most of what is taught and if she doesn’t she will keep on trying until she does; a good, but stubborn trait. Though it is because of the teasing and the abuse she has had from the head of her family that she tends to think she is at fault for things and clings to people instinctively for protection.


[Since she is from such an early point there isn't a lot of canon to really put in.]

The Sohma family is a very large and wealthy family, but they have a secret. Certain members are possessed by the 12 animals (and the cat) of the Chinese zodiac. Their curse means that if they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex or come under too much stress, they transform into that animal of the zodiac. The spirit of the tiger possesses Kisa, meaning she turns into a tiger cub when boys hug her.

Another part of the curse is that when you are human you can have the same color eyes or hair as your animal, and because of this, it meant she had pale eyes and golden orange hair, which lead to the other children teasing her at her school. Feeling ashamed with not being able to deal with her problems and thinking her mother would hate her for it, she stopped talking completely. Only a little bit after this time, she ran away from home and was found by Haru (in her tiger form from stress) and met Tohru, biting her at first meeting. When they spoke to Kisa’s mother, she began to say she was tired of it all, but Tohru began to speak, telling her she needed to be stronger and she was loved. Transforming back into her human state, Kisa became extremely attached to Tohru, moved by her words that she’d spoken then.
With the help of Tohru, Haru, and Yuki, she gained her voice back and went back to school. Knowing she had to be brave, overcome her fears, and keep moving forward.


[In the middle of the hallway there is a loud poof, with orange smoke covering the air before slowly clearing. Once the smoke has cleared, there is a visible pile of clothes laying there on the ground, but strangely the clothes start to move.]


[Poking out from under the clothes is a small tiger cub, with big amber colored eyes...needless to say it looks quite confused with the surrounding.]


[Timidly it works on gathering the clothes with its mouth.]


[Taken from past RP]

Walking down the hall on her way to her first class, the halls and stairs still confused her, but she was learning fairly well, she thought. Looking down at her books she made sure she had all of her books, not wanting to have the wrong books for the class. Arriving at her class, her fear and nervousness hitting her as she looked at the door. She stood in front of her class door and held her books close to chest, thoughts racing through her mind. Will they like me? Are they going to make fun of me? I hope I don’t mess up. Shaking her head softly, she took a deep breath and reached for the handle. Kisa knew she needed to be brave and not run away. Pulling the door open, she was about to begin her first day and she wanted to start it the right way.

Entering her classroom she found a seat towards the back of the class sitting down. Giving a kind smile to anyone whom looked at her. So far so good. Maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad, it did beat that muggle school by a long shot. A flutter of joy came over her; maybe she could be able to even make friends. That would be nice, and wished she could.

[I have a question, will she still be able to transform into a tiger...or will the curse be lifted?]

app, cydonia

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