Pinch Hit #3 AND #4

Mar 13, 2012 16:49

Fandoms: Battlestar Galactica, A Song of Ice and Fire (x2), Fullmetal Alchemist,
Pride & Prejudice

for catbirdfish

Battlestar Galactica -- Caprica Six, Helena Cain, Gina Inviere, Athena, Boomer

I enjoy "missing scenes" and/or backstory featuring any of the above ladies. Pairings I'm partial to are Gina/Cain and Athena/Helo. I enjoy any interaction between Gaius and Caprica Six, not necessarily romantic.

A Song of Ice and Fire -- Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Irri, Brienne of Tarth, Melisandre of Asshai, Myrcella Baratheon, Lyanna Stark, Olenna Tyrell, Catelyn Stark, Lysa Tully, Sansa Stark

I enjoy "missing scenes" and/or backstory featuring any of the above ladies. I'd enjoy gen or any of these pairings: Dany/anyone, Irrir/Dany, Arya/Gendry, Brienne/Jaime, Melisandre/anyone, Lyanna/Rhaegar.

#4 for likeadeuce -

Fullmetal Alchemist -- Maria Ross, Rebecca Catalina

They solve a problem together, using their wits. Femslash totally encouraged but not required.

A Song of Ice & Fire -- Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark, Asha Greyjoy

A teamup between any two of these women, and all three would be great if you could manage it. I'd like it to involve some form of disguise or a secret mission. Gen please!

Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice -- Lydia Bennett, Mary Bennett, Kitty Bennett

I would love any or all of the younger Bennett girls' perspective on, well, anything. Comedy preferred, crack encouraged -- what if Mary is secretly a vampire slayer, or Lydia is an evil genius plotting all their deaths, or Kitty is building clockwork mecha in the carriage house? I prefer no zombies, because that's been done, but any other direction you want is fair game. No incest, please, or stealing sisters's husbands, but other femslash or het pairings of your choice are fine.

Dear Author:

pinch hits

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