Jan 25, 2012 20:49

Welcome to rarewomen 2012 sign ups!

January 25 - February 8: Sign up process.

You'll sign up in a comment to this post using the form below, but here is a step by step guide to the rest of rarewomen!
  1. Request 2-3 fandoms (at least one must be a large fandom) with up to 5 women in each. Provide optional details for your author such as pairins, anything you don't want, ( Read more... )

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midnightjuly January 26 2012, 04:20:06 UTC
Name: midnightjuly

Large Fandom: Doctor Who (New)
Women: Sally Sparrow, Jenny (the Doctor's Daughter), Miss Evangelista, Liz X
Optional Details: Sally Sparrow and Jenny are my personal favourites, but a story about any of these ladies would be fantastic! I'd love to see what happens to Sally after Blink, or Jenny's post-regeneration intergalactic shenanigans, or anything at all about Miss Evangelista, or Liz X just being a general badass. Or more than one of these characters thrown together somehow! Seriously, anything at all will make me happy. :D? Please, please, nothing with rape/non-con or non-canonical major character death. More details (if you want them!) in the Dear Author letter!

Fandom 2 (large or small): Hellboy (comics)
Women: Liz Sherman, Kate Corrigan
Optional Details: Liz is my absolute favourite, but I love Kate, too. I'd prefer something plotty (some sort of occult adventure that wouldn't be out of place in the series), but if character stuff (or PWP!) is more your thing, I'm totally happy with that, too! I've seen all the movies, including the animated ones, so if there's something you'd like to include or reference from them, that's fine. Please, please, nothing with rape/non-con or non-canonical major character death. More details (if you want them!) in the Dear Author letter!

Fandom 3 (large or small, totally optional): Marvel Comics - Avengers
Women: Janet Van Dyne, Jessica Drew, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff
Optional Details: I ship pretty much everything when it comes to the Avengers. Absolutely everything. If you're writing about Jan, I'd prefer something that doesn't center on her relationship (or ex-relationship) with Hank, though. Ummm, let's see. Jan and Jessica are my favourites; I really enjoy Jessica and Carol's friendship; I think Wanda's really cool and always gets a raw deal in the comics. Please, please, nothing with rape/non-con or non-canonical major character death. More details (if you want them!) in the Dear Author letter!

Large Fandoms: Avengers - movieverse [Peggy Carter, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Natasha Romanoff, Lady Sif], Doctor Who (New) [Jenny (the Doctor’s Daughter), Miss Evangelista, Sally Sparrow], Glee [Tina Cohen-Chang], Inception [Mal Cobb], Sherlock Holmes (2009) [Irene Adler, Madame Simza Heron, Mary Watson (nee Morstan)], Stargate Atlantis [Laura Cadman], X-Men First Class [Raven Darkholme (Mystique)]

Small Fandoms: Fast and the Furious series [Letty Ortiz, Mia Toretto, Elena Neves, Gisele Harabo], Marvel Comics - Avengers [Janet Van Dyne], The Mummy Series [Evelyn Carnahan], Professor Layton [Emmy Altava], Push (2009) [Cassie Holmes, Kira Hudson], Resident Evil (movie) [Alice Abernathy, Rain Ocampo], Skins [Michelle Richardson, Jal Fazer, Cassie Ainsworth]

Prefer to write: gen, femslash, het, group fic, character study, things with an R rating or lower

Dear Author Letter:


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