Nominations discussion 2013

Jan 24, 2010 16:47

(*whispers*: please read the info post before hopping in here!)There was some confusion last year with the designation of large and small-sized fandoms. This year, the answers should be a bit simpler! Fandom size does NOT matter, and aside from a little wiggle room, there are only two rules for nomination eligibility ( Read more... )

discussion, admin, nominations

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Comments 79

tielan January 24 2013, 23:51:01 UTC
Okay, this presents a problem for at least one character I'd like to nominate - Maria Hill from Avengers movie fandom.

She appears as a character in many stories, however she's usually a support character in those stories, with a line or two, maybe a scene at most. The story is rarely about her - and, unfortunately, there's no way to tell without reading through the story.

So what happens for support characters in major fandoms, who might appear as 'side' characters, get included in the character list for many stories, but for which stories specifically about her are actually very rare?


prozacpark January 25 2013, 02:22:42 UTC
AO3 system of tagging is unusual for fandom because it tends to tag every. single. character. We won't be going by the numbers on that strictly. So in cases like that, we'll compare with other archives and take those numbers into account. Maria Hill should be eligible, I am pretty sure, given that while Avengers is a fairly large fandom, it's mostly slanted towards m/m fic.


gehayi January 25 2013, 01:13:03 UTC
Which fandoms are eligible?


cordialcount January 25 2013, 01:22:09 UTC
I noticed that the tag set is already up and accepting nominations-- is it officially open? *g*


ambyr January 25 2013, 03:52:59 UTC
I am planning on nominating Gundam Wing. To the best of my knowledge, all female characters except Relena should be eligible. I'm basing this on ff.n numbers, though, and older fics on ff.n are generally not tagged with characters. If anyone has reason to believe someone else should be disqualified, please let me know.

Right now, the characters I'm planning on nominating are Sally, Noin, Une, Dorothy, and Meilan, but I'm open to changing that.


gehayi January 25 2013, 04:44:36 UTC
I'm interested in nominating a group that the canon's author didn't do much with--the Haradrim. Specifically, the Haradrim women. (I confess that I'm more interested in the characters that Tolkien DIDN'T write tons about in LOTR, The Hobbit or The Silmarillion--i.e., the dwarves, the Entwives, and, as I said, the Haradrim/Easterlings.) Since there are no named Haradrim (and only one named Entwife, Wandlimb), would nominating the nationality or the species be feasible?


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