Nov 12, 2002 11:48
Sorry I have been MIA. I thought I'd give a quick update. Right now, I am fighting with a cold which forced me to miss my flue shot, still working at the same place (had some pay issues but I guess it's worked out), still living in North Olmsted with the sexy blonde boy, shopping for a car (I am taking one to the mechanic to be checked out today - keep your fingers crossed!)and still just being me.
I guess another reason I decided to write today is because I am having one of those fear moments. I've actually had them a few times in the last week. I'm doubting my security and myself and hoping it's just a phase and it will pass. I feel like I've done something wrong or that something has changed. Not a lot but just a little and that scares me. Maybe it's just being sick and hormones but last time I felt this way I ignored it and regretted it. I think holidays just have this effect on me. And womanly issues and illness aren't helping.
I say a prayer that I am right about the hormones.... More to come. I need to get back on the journal bandwagon.
<3 Charity~