Wishlists: we tell the truth until it nauseates us (Walburga/Orion)

Aug 30, 2022 14:05

Author: darkhairedgirl
Recipient: phantomtomato
Title: we tell the truth until it nauseates us
Pairing: Walburga/Orion (with a bit of Walburga/Ignatius and Orion/Lucretia in the background)
Request/Prompt Used: Orion Black/Walburga Black - childhood something to something -- not in love, but there's a fondness and a familiarity.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4000 (sorrynotsorry)
Summary: "I have never asked you for your love," she snarls, "Only for your loyalty." | Walburga and Orion, a portrait of a marriage.
Notes: I honestly debated for a while about whether I should post this fic to the challenge/community or not, but I loved your prompts, phantomtomato, and I'm very pleased with how this turned out. I hope that you enjoy it! <3

Read it here at Ao3!

paring: orion/walburga, *het, .wishlists: summer 2022, user: darkhairedgirl

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