FESTIVE FUN: Appreciate Being a Friend (Amelia/Tonks, Tonks/Tiberius, Arthur/Molly, Amelia/Molly)

Dec 30, 2021 22:56

Title: Appreciate Being a Friend
Pairing: Amelia/Tonks, Tonks/Tiberius, Arthur/Molly, Amelia/Molly
Rating: G
Word Count: 936
Summary: In mid-December 1995, after romance has eluded her once again, Amelia Bones must host a dreary Ministry function.
Author's Notes:This was written, after all, on the basis of the first two random prompts I was given at Festive Fun Fest: jumpers and secret santa. The Queen album released in early November 1995 was Made in Heaven.

Read here on AO3,
here on my DW, or here on my LJ.

*het, *femslash, .fest: festive fun 2021, user: paulamcg

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