Mod Announcement: Festive Fun Fest

Nov 28, 2021 19:02

Festive Fun Fest!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Festive Fun Fest at rarepair_shorts. This will be a low pressure fest which runs from the 1st December to the 1st January.

We have a list of 60 holiday themed prompts for you to choose from and to make things harder for you we have moved the prompts around and swapped some out.. There are three levels (easy, medium, and hard) and each level has a different amount of prompts. If you pick the easy level then you just pick one number from the list, medium level you pick two, and the hard level you pick three. Every prompt must be in the the fic some way - it can be inspired by them or actually present in it, the choice is up to you.

Reply to the signup post using the following form:

1.Specify what level you want (easy, medium, or hard)
2.Give us the number/s of the the prompt/s you want based on your level

An example would be:

Option # 1: Easy, 34
Option #2: Medium, 22, 46
Option # 3: Hard, 10, 35, 57

We will reply to your comments telling you your prompt/s.

Like the last time, your comments will be screened, and our comments will be visible. Please don't share with others which numbers you chose. We don't want people to figure out which numbers correspond with which prompts - that just spoils the fun. If you pick more than one prompt then we will list them alphabetically so you can’t guess which one goes with which.

In the Subject line of your post, please use the following format:
FESTIVE FUN: Title of fic (Pairing)
e.g. FESTIVE FUN: An Unfortunate Coincidence (Ginny/Blaise)

In the body of your posts, please use the following format:
Word Count: (Remember, no less than 250 and no more than 2500!)
Author's Notes:

Word Count:
Author's Notes:

(Please use the LJ-CUT or a link to your on your journal or ao3).

You need a total of four tags on each post - the usual three tags plus the tag ".fest: festive fun 2021". Some of your tags might not exist yet, so we'll add them for you - don't worry about that. Please email us if you need a tag, or comment on this post. Our email is:

Other things you need to know

1.You can choose any pairing you want so long as its not on this list.
2.The minimum word count for this fest is 250 words, and the maximum is 2500 words.
3.You may sign up as many times as you want, but we do ask that you complete your previous prompt before signing up for another one.
4.You can change your prompt up to three times if you really feel that you can’t work with it.
5.Signups will close on the 28th December 11:59 GMT to give you chance to complete a piece before the fest ends.
6.This fest is low pressure so if you sign up but can’t complete it for any reason you will not be penalised in any way. We understand that real life can get hectic and you’re not always able to post.

Please remember that this is NOT the sign up post. The Sign up post will go up on December 1st when the fest starts.

Thank you,

the Mods

!rules, !mod announcement, !fest info, .fest: festive fun 2021, !mod post

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