Mod Post: Winter Exchange Rules 2021

Oct 14, 2021 18:41

Winter Exchange Rules

Hello everyone!

It’s that time of year again and we’re hope that you are excited for another round of the Harry Potter rarepair_shorts Winter Exchange fest.
We will try our hardest to make sure we pair you with someone who can do your preferred method, but it may not be possible for everyone to get their first choice as it depends on who signs up.

As you know the Winter Exchange is an anonymous exchange for rare pairs in the Harry Potter fandom where the mods match up requests with another participant, who then writes the requested fic/art. All participants receive a fic or art based on their request/prompt. The authors/artists are anonymous until all the entries have been posted.

This year's timeline and basic rules:

14th October 2021: Sign-ups open
28th October 2021: Sign-ups close
8th November 2021: Assignments sent out
20th December 2021: Assignments due
24th December 2021: Posting begins

As per the comm rules, only rare pairs are allowed (please see this post for excluded pairings). Minimum word count is 500, maximum 2500 words for fics. Art must be traditional style and it must show that it's more than a simple drawble. For this exchange fest, we will not be accepting photo-manips.

NC-17 material is allowed, but please remember that there should be some plot rather than just smut.

Extensions will still be granted but on a case by case basis only. Extensions will last no longer than two weeks after the deadline before you assignment is given to a pinch hitter.

People who signed up last year but dropped out without telling us are not eligible to participate this year.

Please read through this post carefully before asking questions. There is a lot of information to sift through, because everything you need to know is in this post. Be sure to read everything!


01. Fics must be at least 500 words and no more than 2500 words pertaining to your assignment. You also have the option of breaking it down into drabble or ficlet form - you may write as many drabbles or ficlets as you wish, but the combined total number of words must be at least 500 words as well (and again, no more than 2500). Fics should be completed and should not be sequels to or continuations of a pre-existing work.
02. Art should be a complete piece and not a sketch or drawble.
03. Fics and art can be any rating, but please remember to be tasteful and mindful of your recipient's wishes.
04. You may only request/write about rare pairs in the Harry Potter fandom. What counts as a rare pair? Anything not on this list.
05. While the use of a beta is not required, it is encouraged. Please review your fics for spelling, grammar, etc.
06. Upon receiving your assignment, please reply to the email to confirm that you have received it. If at any time you find yourself struggling with your assignment, PLEASE CONTACT US! We will help sort out any problems.
07. Upon completion, send in your completed assignment to rarepair.shorts.mod[AT] with subject line "RPS Fic Exchange (your username)". Assignments will be due by 20th December 2021.
08. Fics should be in either .doc, .docx, or .rtf format, and should include all the html tags. Art s
Also include the below header:

Author: Your LJ name, which will be hidden until the reveal
Recipient: The LJ name of the person you are writing for
Word Count/Art Medium:
Author's Notes: Thank your betas, leave a note for the recipient, give any warnings for the story, etc.

If you've decided to go with the multiple drabble approach, then be sure to do one of these headers for each drabble, excluding the Author and Recipient lines.
09. If you need an extension, CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. This year, we have decided that we will grant extensions that only last one week after the deadline has passed. So please keep this in mind when deciding whether or not to sign up!
10. As far as dropping out goes... we really hope that you don't, though we understand if real life gets in the way. Please don't sign up if you know you won't have the time to write a fic for your recipient. If you do drop out of the exchange, you will not receive your gift - it will be posted to the community as a gift for everyone. Additionally, if the deadline passes and we don't hear from you within two days, we will automatically assume you've dropped out, unless you've previously contacted us.
11. If you drop out and don't let us know then you will be banned from participating in the fest next year.
12. This is an anonymous exchange, and it will remain as such until the time of the big reveal. So, please don't post your fic/art anywhere until after the masterlist is posted.

This is the sheet you will use to sign up with. Please DO NOT reply to this post. A separate post will go up instead.

Email Address:
LJ name of someone you trust (and can keep a secret) that the person creating your gift can contact with questions about your preferences:
Are you willing to be a pinch-hitter if need be?:

Preferred medium: Fic/Art
Top five (or so) pairings you'd like to receive:
Desired rating of your gift :
Situations, genres, prompts, things, etc., you want: Be specific!
Situations, genres, things, etc., you DON'T want: Again, it only helps to give as many details as you can. Include squicks.

Preferred Medium: Fic/Art
Femmeslash, Het, Slash. Which of these are you willing to write/draw?:
Highest rating you will write/draw:
Characters and genres you can or would like to write:
Situations, ships, characters, genres, etc., you CANNOT or would NOT like to write: Include squicks.
Any additional writing strengths: (optional)

Here are some banners for you to promote the fest with.

Sign ups open on October 14">

Sign ups open on October 14">

Sign ups open on October 14">

If you have any questions either reply to this post, or send us an email at rarepair.shorts.mod[AT] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Anyone is welcome to join us, whether you've participated here before or not. So please spread the word to all your friends; the more, the merrier!

!rules, !mod announcement, .fic exchange: winter 2021-2022, !fest info, !mod post

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