Numbers Game Ficathon 2021

Mar 07, 2021 15:09

The fest will run from March 6th - May 1st 2021. Sign ups will close at 11:59pm GMT on April 28th. This is to give you plenty of time to produce something you're happy with.

Signups are now CLOSED

We have compiled two lists - one of male characters (74 total males), and one of female characters (62 total females). All the characters are at least quasi-substantial - that means you won't get anyone overly obscure. We have changed the list of characters slightly and added some from Fantastic Beasts and the Cursed Child.

The lists are sorted randomly, and each character has been assigned a number on their respective lists.

Based on the information you provide us, you will be given several random rare pairings to work with. We have you choose seven numbers to ensure you'll get at least one pairing that is doable/not squicky, and because we will throw out any non-rare pairings you happen to generate. You may then choose the pairing you like best and write a fic that's at least 300 words. You can write more than one pairing from the list if you wish, or you can ask for another list after you've posted something from your first one.

So, to split things into easy and hard, you have two options.

Option # 1 [easy]: Select one character you feel comfortable working with.
Option # 2 [hard]: Leave the pairings you get entirely up to chance.

Reply to this post using the following form:

-Specify whether you'd like to take Option # 1 or Option # 2. If taking Option # 1, name the character you'd like to work with.
-If taking Option # 1, give us seven numbers (1-74 for males, 1-62 for females). After each number, specify whether you'd like het, slash, or femmeslash.
-If taking Option # 2, give us seven pairs of numbers. After each pair, specify whether you'd like het, slash, or femmeslash. If choosing het, the first number will correspond to a male character, and the second number will correspond to a female character.

Here's a couple of example forms:

1. Option # 1 - Zacharias Smith
2. 1 [het], 4 [het], 18 [het], 25 [slash], 36 [slash], 38 [slash], 73 [het]

1. Option # 2
2. 1/3 [slash], 12/9 [slash], 58/34 [het], 22/22 [het], 45/35 [het],55/31 [femmeslash], 5/18 [femmeslash

We will reply to your comments telling you the pairings you generated - excluding those that happen to be non-rare.

Like the last time, your comments will be screened, and our comments will be visible. Please don't share with others which numbers you chose. We don't want people to figure out which numbers correspond with which characters - that just spoils the fun. :D (Although when we give you your pairings, we will list the characters in alphabetical order, and not the order in which you put them down.)

Here are a couple of banners to promote the fest on your journals or in other communities.">">
Check out 's NUMBERS GAME
March 6th - May 1st, 2021">rps21_1.png
Check out 's NUMBERS GAME
March 6th - May 1st, 2021

If you have any questions then please reply to this post

Have fun!
The Mods

Here is the format you need to follow to post fics for the ficathon. :D Feel free to make posts as soon as you receive your characters/pairings!

In the Subject line of your post, please use the following format:
FICATHON: Title of fic (Pairing)
e.g. FICATHON: An Unfortunate Coincidence (Ginny/Blaise)

In the body of your posts, please use the following format:
Word Count: (Remember, no less than 300 and no more than 2500!)
Author's Notes:

Word Count:
Author's Notes:

(Please use the LJ-CUT or a link to your on your journal or ao3) Our AO3 Collection is here

You need a total of four tags on each post - the usual three tags plus the tag ".fest: number game 2021". Some of your tags might not exist yet, so we'll add them for you - don't worry about that. Please email us if you need a tag, or comment on this post. Our email is:

However, once you sign up, you are not obligated to participate in this event. We know real-life stuff comes up, or you just lose interest, and for the purposes of this ficathon, that's okay. :)

!mod announcement, !fest info, .fest: number game 2021, !mod post

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