A Gift for Digthewriter: (art) It's Mutual (Luna/Ginny)

Dec 26, 2020 14:00

Artist: sugareey
Recipient: digthewriter
Title: It's Mutual
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: PG-13
Art Medium: Digital
Summary: Their coffee date was the perfect opportunity to finally get close and cosy with each other.
Author's Notes: Really had a fun time drawing these two (I can't believe I haven't before)! As I started making this, I realised how well they go together because of their soft, sweet and cosy dynamic. digthewriter, thank you for your love for coffeeshops! I was determined to work that in, and I'm glad that was a success, because who doesn't want to go to a coffeeshop and act all cute with each other? Also, I'm kind of motivated to draw Ginny and Luna going on all sorts of dates now. :) Anyway, happy hols, and enjoy!


user: sugareey, *femslash, pairing: ginny/luna, .fic exchange: winter 2020-2021

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