WISHLISTS: Keeper (Oliver/Percy)

Jun 15, 2018 03:05

Author: kiertorata
Recipient: digthewriter
Title: Keeper
Pairing: Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley
Request/Prompt Used: bad flirting
Rating: PG
Art Medium: Digital
Summary: Oliver's flirting is bad. Really bad. Bad as in "You must be a Snitch, because I've been Seeking you my whole life" and "Save a broom, ride a Quidditch player" and "I don't have a broom, can I ride yours?". The question is, why does Oliver always start flirting with him as the night proceeds? Percy is sure it's just a joke, but a part of him hopes that it's something more.
Notes: Dear digthewriter, your request for bad flirting had me giggling and made me think of all the horrible (but genius) Harry Potter pick up lines I've read. This is the result.

.wishlists: summer 2018, *slash, pairing: percy/oliver, user: kiertorata

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