WISHLISTS: Marks on Their Souls (Lily/Alice)

Aug 04, 2014 01:41

Author: bluemermaid
Recipient: holyfant
Title: Marks on Their Souls
Pairing: Lily/Alice
Request: wartime infidelity
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 452
Summary: They had to cling to whatever brought them relief, whatever soothed their panic and slowed the frantic pounding of their hearts, for any brief moment.
Author's Notes: I hope you like this gift, my darling friend.

Fear closed in like a cloud of Dementors, sucking the life from their bones and reducing them to pillars of ash, smoky dusk lying about their shoulders at every turn. People kept dying and they buried the bodies, they buried the souls in the darkest corners of their hearts.

Nobody was safe, for they could vanish at any second, snatched up by the jaws of death and crushed into pieces before the eyes of their families. Death Eaters laughed and they bit them, sank their teeth into the flesh and spilled the blood upon the dirt, sacrifices to their lord.

They had to cling to whatever brought them relief, whatever soothed their panic and slowed the frantic pounding of their hearts, for any brief moment. Rules no longer mattered, commitment was a fantasy. What was commitment, when a life could be ended in the blink of an eye, in the flash of an Apparition? They couldn't chance it, they couldn't wait, they couldn't lose any opportunity.

"Have you ever wondered," Alice whispered, "what it would feel like to be with another woman? It'd be completely different, wouldn't it? It'd be gentler, maybe, or sweeter. We'd know where to touch, how to kiss. It'd be a whole other thing."

Standing at the edge of the abyss, with the large engulfing darkness stretching out before them, was the perfect time for experiments, for leaping into every whim, for trying and testing and breaking every law ever written. Lily closed the distance and pressed her lips against Alice Longbottom's lips, kissed her very best friend with all the fervor of a Gryffindor with nothing to lose.

Husbands slept in nearby beds but it didn't matter, they made love furiously beneath the sheets, finding that being with a woman was sweeter, but not much gentler at all. They left marks on one another; they left marks on their souls.

They were going to die anyway. They had dirty blood and Voldemort would spill it, he would punish them for their sins. James and Frank were kind, courageous men, and their wives adored them, they loved them so hard it felt as though their hearts jumped out of their chests with every glance in their direction. They were married and they were in love, so much in love, and yet they tasted one another and writhed with pleasure, with the comfort that comes of release in the arms of a friend.

Fear closed in like a cloud of Dementors, and they would do anything to escape it, to slip away into blinding sunlight and be free. They had to take beauty wherever they could find it, hold it in their fingers before the world was torn away.

*femslash, pairing: lily/alice, user: bluemermaid, .wishlists: summer 2014

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