Title: Halloween Chills, or a Treatise on Interhouse Relations During the Autumn Holiday Season
Character Pairing: Draco/Terry
Prompt: crumbling epitaph
Rating: PG
Word Count: 550
Summary: Part the Twelfth, in which Draco dies a gruesome death.
Author's Notes: I'm determined to finish this Halloween table before Christmas!
Link to Prompt Table:
http://bluemermaid.livejournal.com/157934.html Draco found himself running wildly through the corridors of Hogwarts. Something was chasing him, some dark and frightening shadow, a pair of cold, dead hands reaching out for him in the dark.
Terry was standing by the exit, with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes flat and his mouth set in a grim line. "There's no escape," he said.
Draco gasped and slid to a stop, panting for air and looking over his shoulder for the menace. "Come with me," he cried, but when he tried to touch Terry, his hands slid through, like there was nobody there at all.
And then there was nobody there, and Draco was bursting through the doors and running, his clothes getting soaked in the rain, as he stumbled over a tree root and flew head first into the forest, sprawling out on the ground and bursting into tears because he knew, he just knew, that he was done for.
The vampire stood over Draco with blood glistening on his fangs, and the piercing pain of his bite tore a terrified scream from Draco's throat.
Before them loomed the crumbling epitaph, carved into the weathered stone and covered in dead vines. "Here lies Draco Malfoy, taken by the Beast."
Draco shut his eyes and prayed, and found himself suddenly cramped and cold and sore all over, in a small and musty space. He opened his eyes.
"We seem to be in the cupboard," said Terry's voice, very close by. Draco remembered it all in a flash; the All Hallow's Eve party, pushing Terry into the broom cupboard, snogging until dawn. They'd fallen asleep. "I ache in muscles I wasn't even aware of having," Terry said, groaning as he extricated himself from underneath Draco's body.
"Well, that was stupid," Draco grumbled, attempting to stretch in the tiny amount of space that he had. It didn't go so well. "We're going to be in trouble for not returning to our dorms." He shook his head. The dream still lingered, the image of Terry fading away from him crisp in his mind. It made him nervous.
"I'm sure the great Draco Malfoy can get himself excused by his beloved Head of House," Terry said genially. He pushed past Draco and opened the door, letting bright sunlight in and stinging Draco's eyes.
"Of course," Draco replied, blinking as he stumbled out into the corridor. "I was just worried about you."
"I think I'll be all right." Terry smiled at him. "Are you all right?"
Draco stared at him for a moment. "I had a terrible dream," he confessed. "You left me to fight the vampire alone."
"Ah," Terry replied, still smiling knowingly, as though he could read all of Draco's secrets. "I promise, if you ever were to be attacked by a vampire, I would be there with just the right spell to deter him."
Draco wanted to laugh at such a ridiculous answer, because Terry Boot was such a ponce sometimes. His response was so sappy that it deserved to be mocked mercilessly, and yet Draco couldn't actually force any laughter out. Instead he just smiled, and shook his head. "Thanks," he said, and he couldn't even sound sarcastic about it. That was the effect Terry was having on him. He drove the darkness away.