Title: Halloween Chills, or a Treatise on Interhouse Relations During the Autumn Holiday Season
Character Pairing: Draco/Terry
Prompt: watch your step
Rating: PG
Word Count: 574
Summary: Part the Tenth, in which Draco thinks too much about kissing.
Author's Notes: I'm determined to finish this Halloween table before Christmas!
Link to Prompt Table:
http://bluemermaid.livejournal.com/157934.html Draco was a fantastic kisser. Or so he believed.
How could he not be? He was a Malfoy, the epitome of grace and beauty and expertise. Malfoys were good at everything. And besides, Terry didn't seem to be complaining, as his fingers curled around Draco's neck. So of course Draco was a fantastic kisser. Terry just seemed a little better.
Terry's tongue slipped past Draco's lips and Draco let a little whine of a moan escape him. It felt amazing. Draco had kissed people before, but they had always been innocent little things that meant nothing (nothing to Draco, anyway. Pansy would have something else to say). This, though, was different. Draco still couldn't articulate what it was about Terry Boot that entranced him so, whether it was the way his hair fell into his eyes or the way his lips twitched up on one side when he smiled. Maybe it was just this; this rush of hot wonder that filled Draco's stomach when he even thought about kissing Terry.
Draco pulled back sharply and looked Terry in the eyes. Terry smiled that smile of his. "Are we finished, then?" he asked. "Or are you simply coming up for air?"
"You're too good at this," Draco said suspiciously. "Who've you been kissing? I demand to know."
Terry laughed, which only made Draco feel irritated. "Does it really matter? I'm here kissing you right now. There's certainly nobody else on my mind."
"I have a right," said Draco, sticking his chest out in self-righteousness. "As a respectable Malfoy, I have a right to know where my partner's lips have been. You haven't been off dirtying yourself with any disgusting lower breeds, have you?"
And suddenly Terry's smile was gone. "You'd best watch your step, Draco," he said. He didn't sound angry at all, and yet Draco felt the sting all the same. "I'm risking much to be here with you."
"Risking what? The disappointment of your friends and family? Don't you think I have the same thing? I'm still here, and I haven't been kissing anyone else behind your back."
Terry hesitated, and Draco thought maybe he saw his smile coming back just a little bit. "You're hiding your insecurity under all that bigotry, aren't you?" Terry asked. "That's almost adorable."
"I am not insecure," Draco insisted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Look," said Terry, pulling gently on Draco's arms. Draco uncrossed them. "I haven't been kissing anyone, either, all right? It's just you. But mind yourself, because I can't stay with somebody who hates my friends. I chose you because I saw your potential, not your Malfoy excuse for ideals. I'm not completely pure of blood myself, I might remind you. And as you say, you're still here."
Draco felt stupid. He'd always hated people of lower station than himself, and there he was kissing Terry Boot without even caring about his bloodline. It shocked him. "You're right," Draco said slowly. "I hate you for it, but you're right."
Terry laughed. "Let's just take things one step at a time," he said. "I think I'll get you to cast those prejudices aside yet."
Draco wasn't so sure, but he allowed Terry to kiss him again, anyway. Terry was such a good kisser, after all.
Of course, the kissing didn't last too long before a couple of gargoyles burst in and frightened the piss out of them. But it was fantastic while it lasted.