Title: The Society
Character Pairing: Oliver/Hermione
Prompts: Trick: Mirror of Erised, Treat: House Cup, Location: Knockturn Alley
Rating: PG
Word Count: 795
Summary: Oliver is on a mission, and lessons he learned in the past make a big difference in his future.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my fellow mods for joining in the fun with me. I hope you’ve enjoyed Trick or Treat this year!
Knockturn Alley was not a place Oliver Wood relished visiting. In fact, he could count the number of times he'd been there on one hand, and all of them were for Ministry assignments. This day was marginally different, but it was far more important…and nerve-wracking.
He stood in front of a dingy little shop, the windows clouded by grime and the splintered wooden door barely held together by a combination of magic and nails. Furtively, Oliver looked around to make sure no one was watching and drew his wand. He whispered a spell, gave the wand a tiny flick and waited.
The door dissolved, revealing a room cluttered with broken furniture and dusty objets d'art. Oliver snickered. It was a very Hermione-like word and she would no doubt be proud he'd remembered something, however small, from their trip to Paris. She would also likely be very cross with whoever had let this room fall into such a state.
The trip to Paris, while it was originally an assignment from the Ministry to recover a copy of the Hogwarts House Cup that had been cursed and sold to an unwitting Muggle, turned into a life changing journey. When the cup had been recovered and sent back to Arthur Weasley's office for destruction (although most everyone suspected the cup would end up in his ever expanding collection of curiosities), Hermione set about educating Oliver about French art and food and wine. The former, while interesting, was not nearly as enjoyable as the latter. They had spent their last nights in Paris sitting in cafes, sipping deep red wine and nibbling on rich foods. Somewhere in between the escargot and the Cabernet, Oliver realized he was falling in love with Hermione Granger.
Thinking of Hermione reminded Oliver that he still had something very important to finish. One last task and then he'd be free to pursue her properly. He held out his wand and whispered, "Lumos."
The light barely made a dent in the darkness, but it was enough to make his way through the crowded room without tripping over anything. When Oliver reached the farthest corner of the shop, he rapped sharply on a particular spot on the wall, just as he had been instructed. The wall dissolved slowly.
Before him lay the Mirror of Erised. Oliver remembered hearing rumors that it was once stored at Hogwarts and that Harry Potter had somehow pulled the Philosopher's Stone from it. He shook his head, remembering the advice of his father.
"Clear head, lad. That's the only way you'll get through. Focus. And say the words very carefully."
Oliver did just that. Still, he couldn't quite keep his voice from trembling a bit.
"I seek entrance to your company. I beg admittance to this place - that I might be received with your guiding grace."
He made several complicated swishing motions with his wand and finished by dropping his arm to his side. It felt just as silly as it had when he practiced in his flat, but it was all quite necessary, apparently.
Oliver waited, hoping that he'd done everything properly. He closed his eyes and breathed as deeply as the dusty air would allow without a fit of coughing coming on. It seemed like an interminable amount of time passed before Oliver heard the noises he'd been told to expect if he was accepted.
A grinding of metal on metal, like old clock gears coming to a reluctant stop. It was almost painful to listen to.
And then the silvery pane of glass in the mirror melted, revealing a bright light. Oliver stepped into the frame carefully, blinded momentarily. He shuffled his feet forward carefully a few steps and raised his wand.
A chorus of cheers and shouts exploded around him, and Oliver felt a large hand clap him firmly on his back.
"Welcome to the Society of St. Germain," Kingsley announced to the packed room. Someone else shoved a glass in Oliver's hand.
One by one, the assembled company - Oliver was not entirely surprised to see many familiar faces surround him - raised their glasses.
"A toast," Kingsley said. "To Oliver Wood, may you live long and stay well amongst our company."
Oliver drank the sweet, fragrant liquid. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied the figure that had occupied so many of his thoughts lately. Hermione grinned and quickly crossed the room.
"I knew you could do it!" She kissed his cheek, blushing as she sank back down to her feet. "Now we can celebrate properly."
"Lass, I believe we might do a bit more than that." Oliver swept Hermione up into a tight embrace and whirled her around. He planted a kiss firmly on her mouth and the crowd around them erupted again.