Wishlists: Between Two Lungs (Ron/Gabrielle)

Aug 05, 2011 17:30

Author: leigh_adams
Recipient: alley_skywalker
Title: Between Two Lungs
Pairing:: Ron Weasley/Gabrielle Delacour
Request: She will always be in the shadow of her sister, he-in the shadow of his best mate. Finding each other might ease the pain.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1,400
Summary: Ron hates a lot of things in life. His blonde secret isn't one of them.
Author's notes: This was an interesting pairing to play around with, and I really hope this is semi-close to what you were hoping for. I have a girl!crush on the Delacour women, but I had never written Ron/Gabrielle before. Thanks for letting me rectify that! Oh, and in case you don't speak French, hover your cursor over the French phrases to see the English translation. Hope y'all enjoy!

Between Two Lungs at venividiscribi

.wishlists: summer 2011, *het, user: leigh_adams, pairing: ron/gabrielle

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