Title: Proposition
Character Pairing: Lucius/Amos
Prompt: I declare
Rating: PG
Word Count: 760
Summary: The door was open.
Author's Notes: Fic Two of Table Three.
Link to Prompt Table:
http://briony-tallis.livejournal.com/57921.html The door was open.
Amos didn't have a nameplate; they'd kept promising him one, but it had already been over a year since his promotion. He had worked tirelessly as a lapdog to the proper Ministry officials, running various errands and filing paperwork, and it had only been at the tail end of the War that he'd finally been given his own office, albeit one without a nameplate. Still, it was his office, and his coworkers in the department knew not to use it. But the door was open.
He didn't really suspect anything, but it was rather odd, and so he approached slowly, clutching his files close to his chest. Amos poked his head into his office, intending to sweep in and close the door before inspecting his belongings. Instead, he froze in the doorway, his files spilling across the floor.
"Why, Amos, you seem quite surprised," said Lucius Malfoy, setting his silver boots casually upon the desk as he leaned back in Amos's chair. "Is it so entirely odd to call upon an old friend?"
Amos had just come from his lunch break, where he'd laughed and joked with his friends in the department. He had been in a very good mood, not but five minutes previous. All that was shot to bits now. Amos stooped to gather his paperwork and slammed the door, glaring furiously at Lucius. "Malfoy," he spat; he had hoped never to have to speak the name again. "Why are you here?"
"Simply to say hello," Lucius replied, smirking. He looked almost exactly the same, his eyes as hauntingly mesmerizing as ever. "I thought we'd celebrate my victory."
Amos narrowed his eyes. "You're speaking of the trial." It had been almost a week; Amos had nearly forgotten about it. "Would you please remove your feet from my desk?"
"You've done rather well for yourself, Amos," Lucius said with a hint of surprise; he did not move his feet. "Your own office; I confess to being impressed."
"The reason you're here, again?" Amos opened a drawer and stuffed the files inside, intending to sort them properly later. He couldn't think about it at the moment, as Malfoy was being as distracting as ever. It was a wonder Amos could remember anything he'd learned in school.
"Ah, yes. I have a proposition for you, Amos." Lucius lowered his legs and pulled the chair closer, leaning over the desk. "One you cannot possibly refuse."
"I'm not interested," Amos said shortly, slamming the drawer shut. "Remove yourself from my office."
"Oh, dear Amos, you can't be forgetting our extensive history? I'm sure it warrants at least a listen. A discussion over dinner, perhaps?"
"Absolutely not," said Amos, opening his office door. "Good day to you."
Lucius did not move. "Now, now, Amos, we wouldn't want to offend such an influential member of our society, would we?" His voice was dangerously low.
"Influential?" Amos scoffed. "You forget, Lucius; I know you. I know who you really are."
"I have been acquitted of all charges," Lucius said with a smile, spreading his arms. "I was but a victim, Amos, forced to act by reason of Imperius. Surely you believe that? It was proven by the whole Wizengamot."
"And were you under Imperius when you tortured that boy, too?"
Lucius's face darkened as he rose from his seat. "You're still holding onto that one, I see." He walked around the desk and stood very close to Amos, breathing heavily upon him. He smelled intoxicating, as always, and Amos was hit by a shock of memories and the urge to kiss Lucius fiercely. "Meet me for dinner, Diggory, and I shall explain everything. You will not be disappointed."
"My wife will be expecting me after work," said Amos, struggling to keep his emotions down, to appear unruffled.
Lucius kissed Amos gently on the cheek. "As will mine." He laughed, low and silky, into Amos's ear. "But we can make the appropriate excuses. We always did." He moved away, and Amos shivered; the air was cold in his absence.
"Why?" Amos asked, swallowing hard, feeling confused and disoriented.
"I declare, Amos, you are an impossible sort. Just meet me, and all will become clear." Lucius flicked his wand, and a small card appeared in Amos's hand with a time and place written upon it. "Meet me." He walked away.
"I declare," Amos echoed, staring down at the card. He didn't want to go, but he knew he would. Lucius still held him in the palm of his hand, even after all this time.