Hey members!
After hearing your feedback, we've decided that all entries should be tagged with THREE tags from now on. One tag will be the pairing, another will be your username (or whatever name you used originally to sign up with), and another will be either het, slash, or femmeslash.
Don't worry about your previous posts; we are going to go through them and add the necessary tags.
If you have any questions, just leave a comment!
Now, on an unrelated note, we'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about ratings. We've had a couple of questions about this in the past, so we thought it was about time to clarify things.
G (or K or All Ages) .. Suitable for all ages.
PG (or K+ or 12+) .. Some material may not be suitable for children. Could include very mild language, violence, and/or sexuality.
PG-13 (or T or 13+/15+) .. Inappropriate for readers under thirteen. Could include language, violence, and/or sexuality
R (or Mature) .. Readers strongly cautioned. Most likely contains [stong] language, [strong] violence, and/or [strong] sexuality.
NC-17 (or Adult) .. For mature adults only. Most likely contains [strong] language, [strong] violence, and/or very explicit sexuality.
*G - NC17 is the general movie-rating system.
K - M is the fanfiction.net system
12+ - Mature is the harrypotterfanfiction.com system
In R-rated fics, there is sex, but it is not described a great deal; in R fics, there's a plot that doesn't revolve around the sex. In NC17-rated fics, the sex is described in detail; body parts are named explicitly, etc., such as in smut/PWP; the sex is usually the entire plot.