COMPLETE: (Hannah/Vincent)

Apr 05, 2010 16:26

Congratulations to pyrobear, who has completed all thirteen prompts for the pairing Hannah Abbott/Vincent Crabbe!

Check it out!

1. Checkers, G (childish behavior)
2. Not Friends, G (I can't leave it all behind)
3. Catch Up, G (for what it's worth)
4. Impossibility, G (T is for Troll)
5. Consumed, PG (fathomless waters)
6. Hands, PG-13 (more work for the weary)
7. Never Alone, PG-13 (without warning)
8. Conscience, Crisis of. Part I, R (knight in shining whatever)
9. Conscience, Crisis of. Part II, R (announcement to the world)
10. Being Human, PG (just like everyone else)
11. Hangman's Noose, PG (degrees of freedom)
12. From the Mouths of Babes, PG-13 (mum's the word)
13. Happy, G (happy)

*het, pairing: hannah/vincent, user: pyrobear, *complete

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