Title: Prepared for Duty
Character Pairing: Lucius/Amos
Prompt: out of the shadows
Rating: G
Word Count: 541
Summary: The boy turned, leaning out of the shadows, and Amos felt what seemed like a lead weight drop into his stomach.
Author's Notes: I'm still new to slash, so bear with me. Also, I'll be making up a bunch of stuff as I go, since there's not much canon about Amos Diggory.
Link to Prompt Table:
http://briony-tallis.livejournal.com/34122.html Amos Diggory walked cautiously through the main corridor of the Hogwarts Express, gazing casually into each compartment as he passed. It wasn't that he was looking to be noticed, exactly, but if his housemates happened to catch the gleam of his Prefect's badge, he was entitled to show it off, wasn't he? It was, after all, something to be proud of, this new position of authority. Anyone who felt otherwise was clearly not fit to stand in his ranks.
The Prefect's compartment was at the very front of the train, and as Amos approached he could hear voices behind him, whispers and laughter. He imagined, for a moment, that they were speaking of him, admiring him. The truth was that nobody had ever stopped to admire him much in the past; this year, however, would be different. It had to be. Amos pushed the door of his compartment open and slipped inside.
Oddly enough, the room was nearly empty. Only one boy sat within, partially hidden in shadow, his head facing the window. "Suppose the others are still pinning their badges on, eh?" Amos asked genially, sitting down near the door. "Name's Diggory, Amos. I'm Hufflepuff."
The boy turned, leaning out of the shadows, and Amos felt what seemed like a lead weight drop into his stomach. He was tall and blonde, and there was something incredibly unsettling about his eyes, grey like a storm cloud; they seemed to tear Amos's insides out. "Malfoy," he said, and his voice was like melted butter. "Lucius Malfoy, Slytherin. How… interesting, to meet you." He did not smile.
"Are you a fifth year, then? I can't remember ever seeing you, in classes and whatnot." Amos felt the beginnings of a flush creeping up his neck; he was certain he would have remembered seeing someone like Malfoy about. "Your name sounds rather familiar, but I can't place it."
"My family is very important." Still, he remained expressionless, staring Amos down with those piercing eyes. "And very Slytherin. We don't associate with your kind."
Amos bristled, and sat up a little straighter. "I come from quite a long line of Hufflepuff pure-bloods, actually. Most of them Prefects, like myself."
"I see." Lucius turned away to resume staring out the window. The train rattled beneath them, and Amos frowned, befuddled. It was supposed to be different this year; he wouldn't sit still and let Slytherins belittle him.
"The way I see it," he said firmly, "we're equals, and I expect us to get along in our Prefect duties."
Malfoy turned, and his eyes glittered as his lip curled in disgust. "The way I see it," he countered, his voice sharp, "you'll patrol your side of the castle, and I shall patrol mine. These are the last words we'll exchange, Hufflepuff." He held Amos's gaze, his eyes dancing with intensity. "Don't test me, for you won't like the consequences."
Amos glared at him. "Fair enough, Slytherin," he said coolly. They sat in silence until the doors opened to admit their fellow Prefects. And as everyone else talked and laughed and prepared for duty, Amos Diggory sat steadfastly by the door and avoided looking at Lucius Malfoy. Still, though he could not see them, he couldn't forget those eyes.