Number Game Ficathon Fall 2009!

Oct 14, 2009 16:54

Hey everyone! It's been a while since we've had any sort of event here, hasn't it? But we received a message a couple weeks ago asking if we had any plans on bringing back the Number Game Ficathon from last year (and here's its masterlist), so we thought, why not? It was a lot of fun then, so we hope you enjoy it again for an encore round.

Here's a refresher on how it works... )

!mod announcement, .ficathon: fall 2009

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anonymous October 15 2009, 00:44:02 UTC
peskywhistpaw October 15 2009, 00:47:08 UTC
Ariana Dumbledore
Dolores Umbridge
Fleur Delacour
Lily Evans
Nymphadora Tonks
Pomona Sprout
Rose Weasley


anonymous October 16 2009, 15:46:58 UTC
peskywhistpaw October 16 2009, 16:11:43 UTC
That'll get you Rita Skeeter. :)


bk03 October 16 2009, 16:25:29 UTC
You're killing me here. LOL!

Alright, I know I can't due to that pairing, so let me see if I can fit Tonks in somehow.



peskywhistpaw October 16 2009, 21:14:26 UTC
Heh heh. There's something about the order of the numbers this year. Everyone's getting weirder pairings than usual. XD

Good luck! If those don't work out, you can always come back and request another set of numbers. :)


anonymous October 18 2009, 23:44:35 UTC
peskywhistpaw October 18 2009, 23:59:27 UTC
A bit better this time. XD

Cho Chang
Daphne Greegrass
Irma Pince
Narcissa Malfoy
Penelope Clearwater
Rolanda Hooch
Victoire Weasley


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