Title: Unexpected: Are You Sure It's Thursday? (1/13)
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Lucius Malfoy
Prompt: #1 - the residue of Monday
Rating: PG
Word Count:704
Summary: It had been Thursday all day until Ron Weasley received the assignment from hell.
Author's Notes: All drabbles/ficlets will link together to form a bigger story, 'Unexpected'. I'm going to be mean and not put up the summary for the entire story. Sorry if that offends you but after much thought, I believe this way is much more appropriate to the story as I will be switching POVs throughout the thirteen prompts. The summaries and secondary titles will change with each episode.
Mods -- Can I get a pairing and user tag? Thanks 0:)
Link to Prompt Table Unexpected: Are You Sure It's Thursday?