This was fabulous! I'm so glad you took on this prompt -- I love what you've done with it. The story recognises the otherness of the centaurs, while at the same time portraying them as persons we can relate to. I thought their way of perceiving limits and transitions did make lots of sense; in a way, it also makes the Bane/Firenze pairing less tragic, as they are able to -- and will -- challenge the boundaries that keep them apart.
Glad you liked it. The prompt interested me as soon as I saw it, so I finally decided to see what I could do with them. I ended up being quite fond of the boys.
Hi. I followed a link from quibbler_report, and I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed reading this ficlet. It's a very convincing exploration of a centaur's mind. The writing was tight and even, from the title to the last line. Brilliant job.
Thank you so much! It was fun trying to think like a centaur, especially since no one can say if I've got it wrong. Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate it.
Oooooo. *gets the shivers* I like this. Really a lot. Especially the ending - it suddenly looks so canon. And needless to say, the bouts of mystical lines fit perfectly in a centaur story. Sigh. I wish I had something more insightful to say, but basically I just <3 this pairing and wouldn't object to seeing lots more of it, anytime. *pokes about your LJ to see if there's any more hiding*
Thanks! I hadn't thought much about this pairing until I saw the request on the Wishlist, but of course, it's such a natural once you come to consider it. Writing the centaurs was great fun. I haven't done anything else with them, being too Minerva-obsessed to write many other things, but that's what I've come to like about fests and challenges: the chance to write pairings I would never have written otherwise.
I loved how thoroughly the concept of transition was woven into this piece--so perfect for centaurs. The characters' opposing natures formed a lovely blend. The last line triggered a slow smile from this end.
Comments 9
This was fabulous! I'm so glad you took on this prompt -- I love what you've done with it. The story recognises the otherness of the centaurs, while at the same time portraying them as persons we can relate to. I thought their way of perceiving limits and transitions did make lots of sense; in a way, it also makes the Bane/Firenze pairing less tragic, as they are able to -- and will -- challenge the boundaries that keep them apart.
Thank you so much for this, Kelly! &hearts
Thank you for another beautiful read!
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