FICLET: The Captive Heart 3 - The Perfect Accessory (Cormac/Draco)

Jul 09, 2009 11:32

Title: The Captive Heart 3 - The Perfect Accessory
Pairing: Cormac/Draco, unrequited*Blaise/Draco*
Prompt: childish behavior
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 825
Summary: Draco Malfoy is hard to take, especially when he is in love with a Gryffindor.
Author's Notes: The third part in a somehow strange, but hopefully amusing love story. Takes place somewhere before Christmas in the sixth year, but not that Draco shows much interest in canon here. :D Read Part I, Part II
Link to Prompt Table: Table

( The Perfect Accessory )

pairing: draco/cormac, *slash, user: deathlydragon

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